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3rd person//

Yoongi sighed contently after getting used to the feeling of Jimin's lips against his own. It felt nice, very nice, and when they broke apart Jimin took a step back and Yoongi pathetically chased after Jimin's lips - with eyes still closed and everything - before he realised that Jimin wasn't quite there. "Why?" Jimin spoke softly, he almost sounded as though he was going to cry again, and Yoongi really didn't want that.

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at Jimin, he was smiling, but he saw both frustration and sadness hidden behind his eyes. "Why what?" Yoongi tired to take a step closer to Jimin, wanting to hold him, have him, now that he'd gotten a taste of what it was like to be without him.

"Why would you kiss me now?" Jimin simply blinked at him whilst awaiting an answer.

"I- I'm sorry." He didn't know what else to say, he'd been stupid. "I just- I don't know. I had this stupid idea that I couldn't like you, but why can't I?"

"You barely know me, for starters." Jimin's lips quirked up into a small but genuine smile.

"That doesn't matter," Yoongi waved it off, smiling at the little chuckle that left Jimin. "I know you well enough to know that I want to get to know you better." Yoongi let go of all inhibitions and snaked his arms around Jimin's neck, standing as close as he currently felt comfortable doing.

"Someone's flirty." Jimin smiled and huffed out a laugh before it faltered a little, his tongue came out to wet his lips and his eyes darted down to Yoongi's own very soft and very pink, pouty lips. As if Yoongi could read Jimin's mind (he couldn't, he could read his actions though) he carefully moved forward - he was getting a bit shy again - and he gulped before Jimin closed the small distance between them. "Why this sudden realisation?" Jimin asked between soft and short pecks, stopping to rest their foreheads against each other.

"After what happened and- and after you, I sat down to think. Well, it was more like 'me feeling bad for myself for a day or two', but I did think, and I spoke to my mum and I decided that it was worth a shot." Yoongi shrugged like he couldn't care less, but his shaky voice told another story.

A small, fond smile spread on Jimin's lips and he cleared his throat before speaking again. "Min Yoongi," He fell down on one knee and held one of Yoongi's hands in his own. "May I get the privilege of gay-dating you?"

Yoongi could do nothing but laugh at the whole situation and the way that Jimin was trying to ask him out (it was secretly really cute to him.) "A gay-date, you say?" Yoongi hummed and cupped his own chin, looking as though he was deep in thought before he shrugged and smiled at the younger. "I don't see why not."

Jimin's smile grew wider and he close to jumped back up to his feet before doing an actual ninety-degree bow, which left Yoongi kind of speechless, because why? "Thank you, Yoongi-형, I will treat you well." Yoongi's hand was once again in Jimin's and the younger gently moved his thumb over the veins poking out under his skin.

"Why the sudden formality?" Yoongi tried to mimic how Jimin had sounded earlier, but he's pretty sure it went unnoticed as he constantly interrupted himself with small giggles. He couldn't help it, seeing Jimin be this formal, in Korean of all things, was just odd.

"We're officially gay-dating now, which-I-have-never-done-before, so I want to be extra charming," Jimin mumbled out the middle part, but that doesn't mean Yoongi didn't pick up on it and he grinned from ear to ear as he cooed at the younger.

One could say Yoongi had pretty short strings, and if you just pulled at them right he could change personality in point blank, or so it would seem. Of course, it was only different parts of his personality showing at different times, but he kind of acted like another person completely. "You've never dated before?" He had this smug expression on his face like he knew he was going to win, even though there was no competition.

Jimin shook his head. "Not seriously." He tried to look as indifferent as possible, but just a hint of light pink spread across his cheeks, and of course Yoongi noticed that too so Jimin looked at the floor to try and hide it, discretely.

"And you want to gay-date me seriously?" Yoongi asked as he bent over in half and looked up to see Jimin's face, he wasn't going to get away that easily. Jimin mumbled a response that could've been a yes but it could also have been something completely else, however, the nod accompanied with the mumble confirmed Yoongi's thesis about the yes. "Ask me out on a gay-date then." Yoongi poked Jimin's tummy (aka. Quite The Abs, Yoongi noticed) and smiled like some character out of a kids show, a.k.a way too wide for it to be appropriate.

Jimin chuckled and shook his head before he looked up again - to Yoongi's relief, bending over is tiring. "I've never seen you like this." Yoongi couldn't quite read his expression, but it was somewhere between confused and amused.

"You've also known me for like a week so... just ask me already." Yoongi hit Jimin's chest (they weren't like, Hard Abs so to speak, more like Nice and Soft and Just Enough Abs... Yoongi noted) with minimal force.

"Okay, okay!" Jimin threw his hands up in surrender and smiled at Yoongi like he wasn't threatened at all. Rude. "How about tomorrow? Is tomorrow a good day for a gay-date?"

"Let me think," Yoongi hummed and held his chin, obviously fake thinking to mentally check if he had any plans (he never did). "Yeah sure." He shone up, feeling just a tiny bit giddy that he'd been asked on a date. He couldn't bring himself to feel embarrassed though because Jimin looked just as excited.

"It'll have to be after school though so, I'll pick you up around seven?" Yoongi suddenly frowned and looked Jimin up and down. "What?"

It took Yoongi a moment to respond as his eyes scanned over Jimin once more. "How old are you?"

Jimin burst out laughing at how confused Yoongi sounded and he wiped a stray tear that left the corner of his eye. "Calm down, I'm twenty-one," Yoongi looked even more confused, but also relieved. "I go to university." Yoongi aah'ed and nodded, seemingly pleased with Jimin being of age and also not still going to high school or something when being twenty-one years old.

"What do you study?" Yoongi's curiosity suddenly got the better of him and the gay-date was as good as forgotten.

"Ugh, law." The way he said it, so drawn out and guttural, made it seem like hell on earth, and Yoongi could actually imagine it being just that.

"And why law?" Yoongi tried his very best to imitate the way that Jimin had said it, but he didn't quite manage to muster the amount of disgust in his voice.

Jimin sighed and he looked like he was ready to slump down into an armchair or something, but unfortunately, they were nowhere near even a regular chair right now. "My parents, they just want the best for me, you know. But, I really don't like law," Jimin groaned and whined at the same time, making some weird combination of the two.

"What do you want to do then?" Yoongi asked, curious as ever.

Jimin cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair, he was once again blushing, but this time Yoongi didn't get why. "I uh- can we... it's getting kind of late innit-" And as if the gods heard Jimin's prayers, his mum opened the door, smiling (just like Jimin).

"Hey dipshit, I've been yelling for ten- oh," Jimin's mum immediately bowed a light bow Yoongi's way and greeted him. "I was just going to say that it's time for dinner. You'll stay for dinner, right Yoongi?" Since it sounded more like a command than a question, Yoongi said sure. And that's how he ended up eating dinner at the Park's and seeing Jimin's nudes from when he was three years old.

I finally updated yay!

thank you for reading!

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