February 6 , 2014( Thursday)

19 0 0

Dear Dairy,

      Today was okay. Bitch number 1 and 2 might be fighting because she was acting like what in a mean way ( that way she dose to me all the time) and said whats your problem, then the other one said just some things. After that she said well I didn't do anything. WOW. So they might not be friends when they say they are best friends um yea you weren't last year. Last year you hated each other. Number 1 just chooses friends when she wants to. If they act like we are best friends I am going to turn them down. Also tomorrow I am sitting at a different table. My best friend that doesn't always sit next to me  said you guys are just like ignoring Sophia. Like she is just sitting there not looking happy. And GUESS WHAT! They did Shit. Anyways my other friends are way better. They help me with my problems. While the others just move my stuff to sit next to them. Today I put my stuff on the table and they just moved it and sat there. The thing they said is I want to sit next to H( first letter of name) then I said I got here first and they move ( If they didn't I would kill them). Anyways when I go to New York I am going to tell my beating up Best Friend Forever to come and beat them up so bad that they go to the hospital. I am just so tired of them that I hate them. So when I sit with other people and if they ask I would say I was sitting with people that stud up for me and listen to my problems and don't ingore me at lunch time. Bye


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