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I was sitting in your office and then you asked "how did it start?" I stay silent, you clear your throat and say "why do you cut? " I stay silent then look up at you and tears begin rolling down my face. I whipe them away so you won't see them but it's too late "Lynda, why are you crying? Lynda, talk to me" I look up and I can feel my face become red and tears begin rolling down my face again  "Lynda? Hello? Lynda talk to me and then I can help you" I felt all this anger in my chest and I wanted to cut again or no I wanted to kill you at that point "why do you care Dr. heffersin? huh? and Yes I'm remembering I remember everything that they did to me now I'm stuck with You! and you can't help me anyway, you can't make me stop cutting and you can't make them stop either" I look into your eyes and you look shocked almost terrified "Lynda Who is them? and i -" I cut you off in the middle of your question "that's all the time we have for today!!!" I stand up and walk out the door. outside in the waiting room my mom is sitting and I walk right passed her "honey are you ok? you look angry and why were you crying?" Dr. heffersin walks out right after me and tells you everything that happened and I walk out the building and into the parking lot

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