Chapter 7

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I forgot they were coming back today. Oh, crap.

I sneak a look at Jay, who had scrambled to the other side of the couch immediately once the shock wore off. Because for a few seconds, neither of us could even move.

'Urm, Mom, Dad, hi!' My voice sounded unnaturally high and I felt hot. I knew I was blushing. But was it getting caught or was it what I was doing when I got caught?

Because, I literally felt like I'd stepped into the heart of the crucible. You know the episode where Davros comes back and tries to blow up creation with the reality bomb? Well, the core of their main ship, the crucible, runs off Zed Neutrino energy, and I seriously feel like I've been doused in it.

Like, my heart is beating faster than it does when I hear the start of the Doctor Who theme tune. I'm pretty sure my palms are sweaty, which is actually kind of gross, and like, I've got some major Krillitanes flying around in my stomach right now.

I look up at my parents, trying to create some sort of story to explain this all while simultaneously wishing I could teleport or something.

'This is Jay,' I managed to get out. 'He's -'

'I'm Lucy's boyfriend,' Jay finished for me.

Oh. Holy. Crap.

'Nice to meet you, kid,' my dad replied, holding out his hand. Jay shook it, smiling a charming smile that would melt a heart of ice. Which it promptly did.

'The pleasure is all mine,' Jay held out a hand to my mom. She shook it, a slow smile forming on her face. What?!

'Honey,' my mom turned to me, 'your boyfriend is suited up, but you're not dressed at all! Come, we're going for a nice dinner. Get to know Jay here a little better!' She winked at Jay.

I ran upstairs, desperate to get away from this awkwardness. And completely forgetting I was leaving Jay with my parents. Oh well, he shouldn't have even picked me for his stupid mission. Whatever happens is his fault.

I dressed quickly, shoving on the first dress I could find. I brushed my hair quickly, deciding it would have to do. I spent about ten minutes making myself look presentable. I wasn't big on makeup and dressing up, but my parents loved going out to these big, expensive restaurants. They were doctors, real good ones, and pretty rich.

It's weird, my parents are pretty old. Being doctors, they had me in their late thirties. Seriously, they did. My dad is almost sixty now. People find it weird, but that's life.

They met in med school and pretty much stayed together. But they were both so career-minded they kind of forgot about the having-a-family thing. Hence why I'm an only child.

I don't mind, I love them to pieces. But they are away a lot. I guess that's why I'm so into Doctor Who, I always watched it when they weren't here. Obviously, when I was younger I had babysitters, but they know now I wouldn't do anything bad.

Guess I proved them wrong, because I had a boy in the house. And I was making out with him, on the couch. And I liked it. Oh, and now they think he's my boyfriend. Nice one, Jay. Hopefully my dad is yelling at him right now.

I got downstairs and Jay was sat laughing with my parents, a glass of soda in his hand.

'Here she is,' my dad gave me a pat on the shoulder. 'Let's get going, kids!'

Sorry, am I in a parallel world or something? My parents walked in on me and a random guy making out, he then claims to be my boyfriend, they invite him out to dinner with us and I come downstairs to find them laughing and chatting?

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