Unpredictable drug called love

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Unpredictable drug called love

Love is unpredictable

It is hard to understand

It can become nasty or stay oh so nice

It is unpredictable, what love will do

It can be lovely or very mean

Happy or sad it may be

It can come easy or difficult to come by

It is unpredictable, what love will do

It is never understood

It can't be read, it can't be written

And it is hard to be spoken

It is unpredictable, what love will do

It can rattle with the mind

It can become difficult to drive

The mind becomes cluttered, it is a mess

It is unpredictable, what love will do

It messes with the body, and the mind

It is hard to stay in control

All is overcome with the poison called love

It is unpredictable, what love will do

It can't be taken as a pill

Snorted it doesn't work

Smoking it has no effect but

When it comes from a lady be sure to stand back

It is unpredictable, this drug, the drug of love

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