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"So, Emma. Have you decided what songs you want on the album?" Libby asked me as I sat in a meeting with my management. 

"Erm. I think so." I nodded. They motioned for me to name the songs. 

"Party in the USA, Giving You Up, Time of Our Lives, Kicking and Screaming, Just a Girl, Mixed Up, When I Look at You, and Goodbye." I went into detail. 

"Okay. I'm thinking we should name this album... Mixed Up." Libby suggested. 

"No." I interrupted. "I want it to be Time of Our Lives." I insisted. 

"Why? I think Mixed Up is a better fit." Libby insisted.

"Well, I want it to be Time of Our Lives." I snapped before walking out of the meeting. Lately I've been thinking about Harry and I. This whole album is basically based around our relationship/breakup and I don't want it to be focused on the bad parts. I want this album to explain that being with him, made me have the time of my life. 

 Ring Ring Ring. 

It's Harry. 

"Hello?" I answered my phone as I walked out of the studio. 

"Hey, Em." Harry answered cheekily. 

"Hey, Hazza." I giggled. 

"I haven't heard you say that in a while." He chuckled through the phone. 

"So how did your meeting go this morning?" He asked as I hopped into my car. (I have a driver) 

"Good, I guess. Most everything is all settled. The album release is next month." I explained. 

"What do you mean by most everything?" He asked concerned. 

"Just some disagree about the album name. But it should be fine." I sighed. 

"Well, I hope everything goes alright. By the way, the lads and I leave for San Francisco in 2 days. Are you still up for coming?" He asked sweetly. 

"Hell yeah. I can't wait." I laughed, smiling into the phone. 

"Great. I'll text you the details later." He stated. Then we hung up. As soon as I slipped my phone into my purse it started ringing again. 

"Hello?" I answered annoyed. 

"Where the hell did you go?" Libby sounded angry. 

"I left. The meeting was over." I groaned. 

"We still need to settle on the album name." She huffed. 

"I've already settled on one. That name means alot to me. I'm sorry Libby, but I don't want the album to be called anything else." I sighed. 

"Is it about Harry?" She questioned, lowering her voice. 

"Maybe." I sighed.

"It's alright, I get it. The name of your album will be The Time Of Our Lives." She stated understandingly. I smiled, said  thank you, then hung up. 

Finally, I made it to Lucy's house. I walked up to her door and knocked. 

"Hey girl." She laughed opening the front door.

"Hey." I laughed walking in to see the guys jocking around in her living room. 

"Hi, Emma." They all stated in unison. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I laughed placing my purse on Lucy's kitchen counter. 

"We came to get Niall, since we have an interview later." Harry explained. 

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