Day 3 - Your Parents

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Day 3 - Your Parents

Dear mum and poppy,

I'm not doing this to my biological parents, I'm doing this letter to my grandparents.

You guys have raised me since I was three years old. I know I'm not easy to live with and I forget your age a lot but I love you so much. I couldn't imagine my life without you and I'm so glad I was raised by you. I've never been neglected and always had some of the best things.

I love how at the end of the day, even if I've been a horrible child you still love me and want me to be here with you. You've never pressured me to do something I didn't want too and have always been supportive of me.

Grandma, I've called you mum ever since I was three and that's exactly what you have been for me. You've given me advice, calmed me when I was upset, cared for me when I was sick and listened to whatever I had to say. We have our many disagreements but by the end of the day I love you just as much as I did before the fight of not more than that. You've given me a taste of what it's like to have a mum and I thank you for that, I couldn't have asked for a better person to take that place.

I know how close you and Shazza were and it pains me to think that every time you look at me I remind you of her. I hate to think of everything you've given up to have me with you. I can't imagine what it must be like to see your granddaughter and be reminded of the daughter you lost everyday of your life. You are the strongest woman I know and are my greatest idol. I hope to one day be as strong, loving and caring as you.

Poppy, we aren't actually related but I see you as my grandfather. I love you to pieces. You are always on my side. You have the lamest jokes but they always make me smile. You make fun of me and call me elephant but then say no you're perfect and make me feel really loved. Though you constantly make fun of my friends and call one of my besties, fat Albert when she is the exact opposite. But it's these little imperfections that make you perfect.

I love you both so much and I couldn't have asked for better parents.

Lots of love, your daughter,

Jess <3

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