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Amani couldn't help but smile at the sight of the buchou's reflection in the mirror. I don't care if this was a fantasy. This is one fantasy that I'm willing to live with. "Thank you…Kunimitsu."

"Hmn." Kunimitsu nodded.

Amani removed her hands from the mirror and sat in her desk. "We don't need to stand next to each other in front of the mirror do we? We can still each other moving around our rooms right?"

"Hai." Kunimitsu finally removed his hands from the mirror and sat in his desk as well. "Do you mind if I do my homework?" he said looking at the girl.

"No problem. Just do your thing." She smiled a reassuring smile.


"You're welcome." She smiled once again.

"You understand Japanese?" Kunimitsu curiously asked the girl in the mirror.

"No. Not really. A few words and phrases maybe." She jumped off her chair to grab something from her closet.

"I see. Would you like me to teach you?" there was sincerity in his voice.

"Why not." Amani peeping her head from her closet into the mirror.

Kunimitsu smiled a little thinking how cute the girl was. "Amani."


"Are you sure it's okay with you that I do not call you senpai? You are a year older than I am after all." Kunimitsu was not at all comfortable with the fact that he was on first name basis with someone older than him.

Amani pouted. "Call me whatever you want. If it makes you comfortable to call me such, then suite yourself." There was a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No. I just want to be on first name basis, after all friends do call each other on first name basis. But it seems you do not consider me your friend…yet." She explained.

"No. it's not that Amani, it's just that we have different cultures." He tried to persuade the girl who was clearly sad now.

Amani turned her back on Kunimitsu and sighed. "I understand." She faced him before speaking again, "Okay, but please, can we drop the honorifics? Just Ami will do." She smiled a very genuine smile.

"Hai." Kunimitsu felt glad that they came to an agreement.

"So, what's your homework about?" she was very interested on the kind of study that middle schoolers do, never being one.

"There is a lot actually, but it's quite easy." Kunimitsu arranged his notes and books and began writing.

Amani stared at Kunimitsu while he was doing his homework. She was amazed at how fast he seemed to understand his lessons and write the answers down on his notes. She couldn't help but smile on the similarities that they have when it comes to studying.

"Just tell me when you're done okay?" Amani told Kunimitsu as she opened a sketch pad and started doodling all over.

"Hai." Kunimitsu answered without lifting his head from his writing. "Ami…"

"Yes?" she too not lifting her head from her drawing.

"I'm glad you're there to keep me company." Kunimitsu stopped writing and looked at the mirror.

"So am I." Amani stopped doodling and looked at the mirror too.

The two continued with their business glancing at the mirror every now and then to check if the other was still there. Time flied fast for both of them, and the sound that disturbed them was their own mothers calling them down to dinner. And by the time they were back in their rooms it was time to sleep.

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