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A week went by. A whole damn week spent alone. Of course though, I was almost constantly surrounded by a sea of people. Nobody talked to me, not even an insincere 'sorry' when they bump into me and send my books flying to the floor. The amount of inconsiderateness shown by almost every person never fails to amaze me. I mean, you just knocked someone to the ground and you aren't even going to apologise? What has happened to humanity?

Anyway, my week was dreadfully uneventful. I kept an eye out for Ashton constantly but whenever I saw him he wasn't alone, so me being the awkward one I am, didn't go up to him. I couldn't tell what his reaction would be. Would he recognize me? Would he remember my name? Somehow I doubted it so I kept to myself.

I was currently on my way to the skatepark again. If I'm to be completely honest, I'm only going for the chance that I'll see the cute dimpled guy. I feel like we really hit it off but even if he saw me at school he hasn't said anything to me. I know his a girlfriend and all and they seem happy together but that doesn't mean we couldn't be friends. . . Right?

As soon as I got to the park, I glanced around. My eyes skidded over the teenage boys around but halted when they landed upon one with familiar blonde hair. I suddenly got this really happy feeling inside and a grin grew on my face. I really don't understand why this happens when I see him. He's just a normal, though slightly more attractive, guy from school but for some reason I felt drawn to him and it was starting to weird me out, honestly.

I didn't want to go up to him, incase he didn't remember me or just didn't like me and that was why he never bothered to talk to me at school. I kept a fair distance and went to skate, hoping he'll see me like he did the first time I met him here. I took off towards the ramps and began to skate, doing some not so fancy but very basic tricks. Eventually I got bored so I decided to spice it up a bit.

I took a running start at the ramp and when I was at the top, I jumped. I flipped the board with my feet twice them landed and ended my little trick. It really wasn't my best but I felt a little boost of confidence when I heard a few claps from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to whoever was watching. A small smile instantly appeared on my face when I found Ashton's familiarity just a few metres away.

"You're really good," he gave me a nod and dimpled grin. He was so cute and I hate him for it.

"Not really but thank you," I smiled back, kicking my board up so I could hold it and not worry about it rolling away.

"Rien, right?"

I nod in reply.

"It's nice to see you again Rien," he smiled again. He did so much smiling that I assumed his cheeks hurt. Ashton was so nice and friendly, I didn't understand. I could never be like him. I hated society too much.

"You too Ashton."

"Do you wanna hang out?" He asked and my heart almost stopped. There were butterflies in my stomach fluttering around and it was such an unusual feeling. I tried to brush it off but I was subconsciously always aware of it.

"I thought you'd never ask," I said jokingly, flicking a few strands of hair out of my eyes. Little did he know that I was waiting for him to ask me that.

He suggested going to the little café just down the road. I agreed because they sold really good hot chocolates. We walked to it, despite having our boards, and the time was spent mostly laughing, not awkward at all. I usually felt so insecure about the things I say and do but with Ashton it was as if those worries completely vanished. Logically those ideas should get worse because I would be worried about what he thinks of me but strangely enough, that wasn't the case. I was completely and utterly myself around this boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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