Our Day Back Home

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Mark pov
We arrive home, I waited for Jack as he got the bags out of the trunk. We walked in through the front door. We were first greeted by Chica, then the rest of the crew. Pam was making breakfast, and Tim was still in bed. Tim kept asking about you, Tyler said, but I told him that everything was going to be alright. Tim, he's still my little biscuit. Then Tim began to cry. I open the door to his room, as I went to pick him up he clutched onto me, still crying. Tim it's ok I got you, everything is going to be ok. He then lifts his head and stares at me, Tim it's ok daddy's here. I then walk to the kitchen with Tim. Hey look who's awake, said Jack.

Jack pov
Pam hands me a bowl of applesauce and rice cereal to feed Tim, No, Tim said turning his head. Tim, you need to eat so you can grow big and strong. Yucky! Tim please eat your breakfast. The faster you begin to eat the faster you get to go play. Tim opens his mouth, as Jack feeds him his cereal. Sam began to cry. I think she's hungry too. Mark took her to the nursery to feed her. Dada. Tim you finished all your breakfast. I'm so proud of you. Dada, Peepee. I forgot Tim wasn't potty trained yet, I change his diaper and said he could go play. I walk to the nursery, Mark was still feeding Sam. Yes Jack? Um.. I was wondering when we should potty train Tim. In 4 months he'll be 2, do you think we should start soon? I think we can get him to try, Mark said.

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