Tagged 2 ^‿^

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What is upppppp fam
1.2k reads um excuse me what evennnnnn holy crap I freaking love you amazing peopleeeee!
I'm so sorry that this isn't a proper chapter and for the significant wait between updates, I'm struggling with a lot rn and it's proving really difficult to find the time and motivation to write >Δ< Thank you so much for all your support and understanding and love, it seriously means the world to me. I'll try super hard to update more frequently
I was tagged by Tomdra_Gamer to do this
I hope you enjoy it

• • •

1. Tattoos?
No unfortunately >_<
But I hope to get some done when I'm older
2. Piercings?
Both ear lobes and my left helix are pierced rn and I'll be getting my lip, tongue and belly done and my nose redone soon ^‿^ Bc I'm dat gangsta
3. Children?
To be honest I'm not particularly fussed as to whether I'd have children or not but maybe ♡
4. Surgery?
Yes >﹏< When I was born a portion of my heart was underdeveloped for some reason, leaving a gaping hole in my chest that had to be immediately operated on. I have a similar defect in my neck but is so minuscule in size it sealed on its own. I've also had teeth pulled and numerous stitches and skin grafts as a result of various acts of stupidity on my part xD and will probably need knee reconstruction in the near future. Yay me ⇀‸↼||
5. Broken bones?
I've fractured my right elbow and both ankles and broken all of my toes at least once ahahah ಥ□ಥ
6. Shot a gun?
No but I'd pay a ton of cash for someone else to shoot one at me >ڡ<
7. Quit a job?
Yes, after my first day working there bc this bitch started a fight with me >▽<
8. Flown in a plane?
Many times aha. I love travelling ✈
9. 100mph in a car?
With seven friends crammed in and pretty much no idea how to drive? Maybe once  >ロ<  Oopsies
10. Watched someone give birth?
That seems scary >.<
11. Watched someone die slowly?
Yes 💔
12. Been to Canada?
Yesssss ^▽^ It's so pretty, I love it there ❀
13. Ridden in an ambulance?
Too many times
14. Been to Washington D. C., Florida, Colorado, Mexico or Vegas?
Next year! It's pretty far away from now but I'm so excited ❉
{ These were originally all separate questions but since they all had the same answer I decided to combine them into one ^.^ Sooo skip to question nineteen ↓  }
19. Sang karaoke?
You could say that ♬
20. Pets?
A lil doggo, a Siamese fighting fish and a bunch of other random tropical fish.
21. Skiing?
Yes ❅ My first time was in New Zealand and it was so fun despite the fact I fell every two seconds bc I lack any coordination whatsoever 😂
22. Read music?
Yes ♩ I learned the cello for five years and the piano for three.
23. Motorcycle?
No bc my coordination is zero 😝
24. Ridden a horse?
Many times ♞ I used to break in horses as a part time job and owned a chestnut and a piebald for three years ◕‿◕
25. Stayed in a hospital?
Too many times to count... hehe 😅
26. Donated blood?
No but I'd do it happily if it meant helping someone ♥
27. Driven stick?
I can't even master walking in a straight line, how am I meant to drive stick 😂 Automatics are more my cup of coffee ❖
28. Police car?
No I'm too talented, ain't nobody gonna cash me ousside >▽<
29. Grandkids?
If I ever have kids, yes, I'd love some ♡
30. Boat?
Yes, I love boat rides, they're so calming ∞
31. Escargots?
Yes 😍 Shhhh they're good I pinky swear
32. UFOs?
Ooh shiny ✨
33. Cruise ship?
Cruises are amazing, I live for the photo opportunities ✿
34. Ran out of gas?
Not as of yet 🙏
35. Sushi?
36. Ghosts?
Honestly, there's probably a family of poltergeists living in my room from all the satanic rituals I've done... 😆

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Instead of tagging specific people, I tag anyone who wants to do this. Please don't forget to mention me if you decide to do it tho so I can see it ^^
Love yous

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