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Hey guys so this is my second story on here! If you haven't already, go read my first work called "just another fan." Thank you!

"Yo Gray!" I shout across the skatepark. "Wanna get some Froyo?"

He pops his board up and walks over in that stupid drag walk he sometimes does.

"Duh lets go guuurrrl" his voice matching the walk. I can't help but laugh at his goofiness. We love impersonating typical 'white girls' cause Cam hates it.

"Let's go then bitch."

My new BMW unlocks and I hop into the classy drivers seat.

"Bro when can I drive, you still haven't let me." Gray whines.

"My car, my rules boi, now get in or walk."

He sighs and sits next to me making his 'pissed off pouty face' and Cam and I call it.

We drive a few kilometres (or miles, I only know the metric system) back where Froyo is. The door bell rattles as we enter the store. There's a few people seated here and there but it's pretty quiet. We grab our Ice-creams and sit together in an open booth.  A weird feeling suddenly floods through my body as I see a figure lurking outside. Well not lurking, but walking past really slowly, staring at us. I know it's not a fan cause they usually scream and come over to us. But I recognise this person. Dressed the same as always. He wears a black hoodie/ sweatshirt (here we call them hoodies idk about other countries though) and jeans as dark as his almost black eyes. And he always has a crimson red bandanna wrapped around his face, only revealing those deep eyes. I can just feel the ominous vibes this guy gives off from through a freakin wall. The real creepy thing, is that we always see him in the most random places. At the park, shopping centres even a few streets from our apartment complex.

"Yo Gray." I whisper, he's still walking past as if everything has been put into slow motion. "Red is looking at us."

Grayson tenses up; its almost as if he feels what I'm feeling. We call the weird guy 'Red' because the only distinction we can make is the bandanna. We can't see 'Red' anymore so it's best to leave. Gray puts up no argument about being in the passenger seat this time.

I know this is pretty short but it's the first part and I didn't wanna put everything I have written down into it. Cause I'm saving it for the next part ✌🏽️

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