Chapter 23

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"Rise and shine, everyone! We need to get moving!" Bill said, arousing the group from their slumber. They were to look for a safe place to stay, and there wasn't much daylight to do so.

Lilly's eyes opened slowly, taking in her surroundings. She smiled at the lovely sounds of nature, the beautiful colors of the sunrise, and just the thought of being alive one more day. But that smile soon faded as the horrendous memories of the past events flooded into her mind.

She shook her head, trying to banish the thoughts away. She wasn't going to cry. History was not going to repeat itself with Harry. She had cried for weeks on end when David passed. She shut everyone out, she wouldn't even acknowledge anyone's presence. Ness had tried and tried to talk to her, but Lilly would just stare off, her eyes glazed over. Lilly didn't show any signs of attention until the day of Conner's trial.


Lilly walked into the courthouse dressed in all black. This day was the day she had been waiting for-- the trial of Connor Marquez. This was the son of a bitch that killed her brother, David, who was the only person left that had her affection.

Lilly sat down next to her lawyer, glaring at the ground. Her eyes grew dark. So dark that they were almost the color of her black v-neck tee shirt. The tiny flecks of yellow that usually shone against the brown now almost completely faded into nothing.

"Lilly." Her lawyer, Sasha, nudged her, trying to get her attention. Lilly lifted her gaze to meet Sasha's.

"What?" she snapped. Sasha scooted away, intimidated by Lilly's icy stare.

"Well," she started, "they're going to bring out Connor soon, and I am going to need you to stay calm." Lilly balled her hands into fists at the mention of his name.

"I don't know, Sasha. He f*cking murdered my brother," she snarled. Sasha averted her gaze from Lilly's flaming eyes.

"Yes, I know. He will get jail time for it, too. But you need to keep from choking him so you don't get charged with murder." Sasha tried to joke, but Lilly just narrowed her eyes at her. "Okay, then. Let's get this show on the road," she whispered as the judge sat in his place.

"We are here to discuss the punishment of Connor Marquez for the murder of David Daniels. Bring him out," the judge said, his voice booming throughout the room.

The doors in the back of the room opened to reveal Connor, dressed in the jail's signature orange jumpsuit. He was accompanied by two policemen holding him by the arms. The two policemen led him up the aisle to his seat in front of the judge. As he passed Lilly, he smirked at her, only enraging her more. Lilly started to stand, but Sasha pulled her right back down into her seat.

Connor sat down, and the judge beat his gavel down on the desk, hushing everyone in the room.

"Quiet, everyone!" he shouted before turning to Connor. "Now, Connor. Did you, or did you not, murder this girl's brother?" he asked, pointing to Lilly. Connor looked at her and smiled.

"Yes, and I am proud of it. Got him good, too. Right in the stomach," he taunted, keeping eye contact with Lilly the entire time. Lilly jumped up, reaching out for him, ready to give him what he deserved.

"You son of a bitch! Don't you ever talk about him like that! He didn't deserve to die! I will f*cking destroy you!" she screamed. Ness jumped up from the stands and helped some policemen hold her back. Connor just smiled wider.

"I'd like to see you try, princess," he said, laughing. The judge stared in horror at the scene that was unfolding in front of him. He beat the gavel down a few more times.

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