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"Min Yoongi." A female voice stated.

"How old?" Another voice asked, this time a gruff-sounding man.

"Twenty-three years." The female replied. Yoongi went to lift his hands, they felt heavy as if there were invisible bricks tied to them. The female voice came closer, "Yoongi, stay still."

A loud ring echoed in his skull, his head too heavy for his neck. Something stopped his head from lolling over. What was it? Cardboard? Plastic?

What's going on? He wanted to ask but his mouth wouldn't say the words. His hands were still glued to his sides,

"Yoongi, can you hear me?" The same female voice asked, her hot sweet breath tickling his face. "Yoongi, if you can hear me please make a sound."

He pried his dry mouth open, an awkward groan escaping his lips. Suddenly his stomach began churning as saliva trickled into his parched mouth. He hadn't even realised the surface he was lying on had been moving until he felt it abruptly turn a corner and come to a stop after a gentle pressure on the hinges underneath him.

"Yoongi, can you please tell me if you can see any light?" A male voice questioned, was he the same man from before?

Saliva flooded his mouth, his stomach doing somersaults as he was lifted from one surface to another. This surface was flat, his shoulders were already throbbing. Why couldn't he see?

"Get the mask!" Someone yelled loudly. "Let's go people!"

Yoongi had finally regained some strength in his hands, he reached to touch his face.


Slightly damp bandages tightly spun around his head from the bridge of his nose to the middle of his forehead.

"Someone stabilise him!" The angry voice demanded

What's happening? Why can't I see?

A squishy, plastic object pressed around his nose and mouth and his arms were pulled back down to his sides. Everything smelt like melted sugar.

I can't see! I can't see! He screamed, though no words passed his lips.

Words and fragments of sentences drowned his brain, his thoughts struggling to stay afloat as he drifted into unconsciousness.

"-high speed, on the motorway-"


"- Park Jimin."

"... glass shards-"

I can't see.


pretty short prologue-ish chapter, soz. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- silkcity

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