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why do i take SO long to update? i don't know.

by the way, this is a very beautiful song. love you jay x 


Min-Ji set the tray of food next to Yoongi's bedside. She twiddled the card between her calloused fingertips, her forehead wrinkles ever more apparent as she sat herself down. "Yoongi... I have something for you."

"Oh?" Yoongi knocked himself out of his daydream. He could feel that Min-Ji was acting differently. He may not have been able to see her facial features or body language but she never spoke that quietly and the sound of her footsteps usually bounced and had a springiness to them, while now they were delicate and quiet. "What is it?"

"It's... a card from your parents." Min-Ji's fingers fiddled with the corners of the card. "Shall I read it out? You don't have to-"

"No. Please, read it," Yoongi mumbled and Min-Ji wished Yoongi was like his usual solemn self and that he'd only replied with a 'hmph'.

The card had no design on the front, the sterile ivory paper as cold and heartless as the message scribed inside:

"Dear Yoongi,

We are all very sorry to hear about your accident. We hope you get better.

If you decide to leave your homosexual lifestyle with Jimin, we will be here for you.


Your parents."

Min-Ji exhaled deeply at the last part, folding the card back in half and placing it next to the tray of food. Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, only to let out a gentle sigh.

"Oh, I'm sorry Yoongi." Min-Ji didn't try to hide the uncomfortable grimace on her face,

Yoongi sighed, "It's fine, don't worry about it."

Min-Ji wished she could've taken Yoongi's suggestion and stopped worrying about it, but she couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling she had been feeling since the card was left at her desk. An uncomfortable sensation, like tiny spiders under her skin, crawled up her arm and down her spine and settling in her gut.

Yoongi insisted he didn't care, but Min-Ji swore he was acting differently as they exchanged mindless chitter-chatter. More... timid. More reclusive. 

Not upset, not surprised.

Just disappointed.

"You did a really good job with dinner, I forgot how much I missed your food." Yoongi licked his lips, as he stopped eating to take a sip of his drink.

"I think anything would taste better than the food you make." His mother shook her head lightly, smiling.

"Yoongi is a pretty bad chef," Jimin admitted.

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