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Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper

After quite a few hours, it was now 8:30pm, which meant it was time for Belle and Johnny's little movie night. Currently, Belle sat cross legged on the bed, Johnny doing the same opposite her. They decided to put 'Stand By Me' on, however they were mainly focusing on each other by just talking. Belle was wearing pyjama shorts, long socks and a thick belly top that had long arms, Johnny just wearing blue checkered pants, his top half completely exposed. Johnny had ordered lots of food, which was at the end of the bed on a trolley, which they kept picking sweets and savoury things off of.

"How did you get that scar?" Belle asked curiously as she watched Johnny reach over to get some food, a small scar becoming exposed on his side. It was a completely new subject they were talking about, covering just about every topic they could think of during the night.

"Oh this one? Roller blading accident when I was about eighteen." Johnny remembered the memory vaguely, searching for a scar on Belle's exposed body parts.

"You got any scars?" He restored to just asking her, taking a bite out of a large jam donut.

"Yeah on my back somewhere and here..." She pulled down her shorts a little bit, pointing to a medium sized line that was across her hip, which would have been huge on a small child.

"What happened?" He spoke through the donut in his mouth.

"Me and my brother were hit by a car whilst we were playing. It hit my stomach first, so then I was thrown back and then scraped along the concrete, so that's why there's a scar on my back too." She explained, popping a piece of chocolate into her mouth.

"That's terrible. You have a brother?" Johnny never asked about family members, but he did often wonder where her parents were.

"Yeah, well he died; I survived the crash and he didn't." She said simply, swallowing the food in her mouth.

"I'm so sorry." He said sincerely, his eyebrows knitting together.

"It's okay, we were sixteen at the time so I've kinda learned to live with it now." She shrugged, even though it did hurt a little bit.

"Do you have any other siblings?" He asked curiously.

"I have a sister and another two brothers."

"What are their names?" Johnny asked further.

"Lilly, Jack and Chris." She listed.

"Where are they all?" He wondered.

"Jack and Chris are in the marines, Lilly lives in the U.K. Where did you get that scar?" Belle suddenly noticed the scar on his shoulder, Johnny chuckling to himself slightly.

"Someone threw a fork at me. What about that one?" He pointed to a tiny mark underneath her left eyebrow, Belle thinking for a second before replying.

"Chris punched me in the face when we were play fighting. I think we were like twelve." She ate a row of chocolate, Johnny chuckling again.

"Didn't your parents punish him or anything?" He questioned, clearly amused.

"No not really, but Jordan and Jack went ape shit at him." She laughed at the thought of her two older brothers shouting at Chris, Johnny furrowing his eyebrows.

"Jordan?" He hadn't heard her mention that name before.

"Dead brother." She explained in two short words, Johnny nodding understandingly.

"Oh, I see." He was aware of her siblings now, Johnny taking a bite out of a cupcake.

"Yeah. Anyways, I have a lot more scars and I'm sure you do too; to good memories and mistakes." She raised the glass of banana milkshake she had, Johnny tapping it with his chocolate milkshake.

"Hear hear." Johnny placing his drink back down and taking another big bite out of his cupcake, Belle fiddling with the straw of her drink.

"Can I tell ya somethin', Belle?" He chewed on the food in his mouth before swallowing it, Belle nodding and taking a sip of her banana milkshake.

"I think with all of your scars you're still beautiful, in fact, they make you even better. It's nice to know the girls don't have to be free of flaws and imperfections to look like a million dollars, and you're the proof." Johnny smiled sincerely at her, boring into those light blue eyes she possessed. Belle was amazed by what Johnny thought of her, unable to speak for a few seconds.

"You really are something." He finished, shoving the rest of the cupcake in his mouth.

"Wow, I wish I could live up to those standards, hun,-" She began with a chuckle, Johnny cutting her off.

"-No you're everything." The words began to spill out so smoothly from his lips.


"-no just listen-" He clapped his hands together to get rid of crumbs, clearing his throat and sitting up straight.

"One day, our hearts cave in and the world will explode, we will be flying bits of nothing in the deep abyss of space, and the stars light's dim down and eventually die into the atmosphere and all traces of human kind will be evaporated into complete darkness and I love you."

He said the words like it was the first time he had ever said them; they were special and honest.

Belle smiled uncontrollably, a tear rolling down her perfect cheek.

"You're insane Knoxville." She shook her head as she continued to smile and slightly cry, wiping away the two stray tears that fell from her lids, Johnny watching her every move with a tiny smile of his own.

"No I honestly do. I'm completely head over heels for you and I don't regret it one minuscule bit." He wasn't afraid of the reaction he would get; he wouldn't blame her if she ran for the hills at that second, but he just looked so calm and relaxed about it, Belle slightly biting her bottom lip and narrowing her eyes at him in thought.



"Kiss me."

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