My Love

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Riptide - Vance Joy

It was was 6pm on a Saturday night, and Belle decided to lay face down on the couch and watch TV, Johnny in his office next door. She sighed heavily as she flicked through the channels, struggling to find anything that would keep her even slightly interested. She decided to watch Toy Story, Johnny poking his head out of the office door and staring straight at her.

"Hey babe, do you wanna invite the guys around ours tonight, we could have a barbecue or somethin'?" He queried, Belle nodding her head and picking up the phone.


And then he was gone again. Now, she was getting really exhausted from not seeing Johnny enough, but she decided to keep her mouth shut, once again. She couldn't wait for the guys to come around; at least she'd have someone to talk to.

Eventually, all the boys were around, and the group were all seated outside eating burgers, fairy lights hung up all around the garden. It was dark so the only source of light came from the fairy lights, and from the large projection of Dirty Dancing on the side of the house, sat in rows like a cinema, Belle and Johnny at the front. After an evening of talking and laughing, it was nice to settle down to this. Johnny held her hand and rested them on the arms of the deck chairs, stroking the back of her hands with his thumb.

Roughly halfway through the film, the side of the house went black, Belle furrowing her brows.

Before she had time to ask about it, the protection flicked back on again, however something else was on the side of the house. A song began to play; Your Song - Elton John.

There were videos and pictures from home.

All from the first night Johnny saw Belle in a dress, staring at her, the prank, her sat on his lap, painting, holding one another and dancing. Belle was so mesmerised by what she was witnessing before her, her eyes filling with happy tears.

Johnny came on at the end, holding up signs.

"I can't believe that I'm lucky to have someone as amazing as you laying right there, next to me in bed-" He moved out of the way and pointed to a sleeping Belle in the background.

"-you made everything so much better than it was before because I've finally found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with-" A tear slipped from Belle's eye, Johnny squeezing her hand. Belle subconsciously stood up, almost like she was drawn to it.

"I love you so much, Belle. And I promise I always will." He had no more signs in his hands, so he leaned forward to turn the camera off, when he suddenly realised he had forgotten something. He lifted up one more sign with a gorgeous smile.

Will you marry me?"

Her hands cupped her mouth, quickly turning to Johnny who seemed to have disappeared. However, he was still there, but in a different way.

He was down on one knee.

She took a deep breath and removed her hands from her face placing them gently by her sides. The guys and Johnny looked hopefully towards her, Belle smiling widely.


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