Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Kidnapped!

Marina's pov:

I sigh as I sit in the airport. Off to Mexico huh? I'm lucky I grew up speaking Spanish I guess. I was given a rare opportunity to go to Mexico for a record deal. I wasn't too excited leaving my home as I had always felt safe despite most if my neighbourhood hating me because I was an "emo." My thought were interrupted by a high pitched squeaky voice. "Flight 2234 to ______, Mexico is now boarding." The speakers blared. I thought to myself -that person really needs lessons on how to correctly use a mic. Geez- I got up and grabbed my bags. I walked up to the counter and handed the lady my boarding pass. She scanned it, smiled, and said with a cheery tone, "Have a nice flight." I muttered "thanks" though I doubt she heard me. I could tell the woman already hated me. I went to the back of the plane and sat near a window. I put my bags away and waited for the plane to take off.

~time skip 3 1/2 hours later~

The landing was rather loud and rough. Not necessarily my style of landing. I looked out my window and sighed. I really wish I didn't have to do this. But if it's going to help my career, I guess I have to. I grabbed my bags and patiently waited for the long line of passengers to disperse as we exited the plane. I walked over to the man who held a sign with my name on it. Of course they spelled it wrong. Just like everyone else.

I followed the man to a small black car and he loaded my bags into the trunk. He was going to be driving me to the condo I would be staying in. I got in the car and put in my headphones. I started listening to "Hope" by We Came As Romans and closed my eyes. Not even 20 minutes later the driver slammed on the brakes and the car flipped. My ears were ringing and everything was blurry. I saw blood trickle off my face onto the roof of the car. I moaned and looked to see if the driver was still in his seat, but he wasn't there. Then I remembered he didn't wear a seat belt like an idiot. I saw a figure hurriedly open the car door and start to drag me out. After that, I lost consciousness.

Ash's Pov:

The boss told us that a armed truck carrying at least $600,000 would be passing through our territory. He was sending me and a few others after it. As no one could stand up to him, we armed ourselves and headed out to the bridge. The truck passed our car and we raced after it. As I drove, my partners stuck guns out the window and began to shoot. I sped up until we were next to the truck. As the driver was panicking, trying to find his gun, the guy in my passenger side shot him in the head. The truck went out of control and flipped. I sped up to avoid being hit by the car. A small black car ran into the truck and also flipped. We all got out and as my partners were packing the money into our car, I saw a woman not much younger than me who was in the small black car. There was a flame burning inside the motor and the gas was leaking. Knowing what would happen, I ran over to the car, yanked off the door and drug her out. She was unconscious but still amazingly beautiful. But, her head was bleeding badly. I put her in the passenger seat and drove to our head quarters when my partners got in the car. None of them questioned me as I was second-in-command next to the boss. I sped and screeched to a halt as we neared the door to our hidden safe haven. Other people rushed out and started taking the money inside. I got out of the car, went up to the passenger side and took the woman out. I carried her bridal style to my dormitorio. 

A/N: dormitorio means room btw if you didnt know.... and hope you guys like it so far! This is actually adapted from a dream i had.... so yea lol vote comment and all that shiz! Also the blank there in the first paragraoh was there cuz i don't know what city she should go to so if you guys have ideas, tell me! XD baiii

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