I accept

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The future held lots of troubles and heart aches of me. I was clueless about how I would deal with them.
I didn't even know how I was to explain to my parents, that I was able to get them a son-in-law with six month expiry date, during their absence. Explaining thing to Ashmit would be even worse.

Whatever and however things would happen, all I can do is- pray to god, to give me strength to endure the mess called my life...


After Ashmit's departure, I did lots of thinking about the course of action I would employ to deal with my self created grave, and came out with the only solution that I could under these circumstances- I would have to accept to be Ibhan's six month fiance, but would maintain my distance from him so as not to get my heart broken, and also tell him explicitly that I would never lie to his grandmother or any member of his family, so in case there was a need to lie, he would be the one delivering it.

Already as it was, I would have to lie to my family, but I didn't want to add more guilt to my conscience by lying to his folk.

I would apologize to my family and reveal all my lies and reasons for my lies after this façade was over. I know I would be lambasted by everyone and they may be disappointed in me, and my dad and Ashmit might even threaten, to lock me in my room and never let me out of sight, but I would bear all this, if it meant I would save Ashmit and they forgive me at the end.

With the decision made, I got out of bed, freshened up and rang for room service in whose ever room I was.

After roughly fifteen minutes, there was a knock on the door,and I could distinctively hear the voice on the other side saying, -"Room service."

I opened the door, and in walked Ibhan with my order, without even waiting for me ask him in. I rolled my eyes at his antics and closed the door.

Inside the room, I gazed at him and gave him the look- Room service! Like really?

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, then bowed and said," Ibhan at your service ma'am."

I snorted, but opened the covers of the tray anyways, as I needed my food and most importantly lemon tea, before I dealt with him.

I poured the tea started drinking it. I shut my eyes and moaned at the relief it provided to my sore throat. I almost forgot the existence of Ibhan inside the room, until I heard a chortle.

I opened my eyes, and glowered at him. The tea was adequate to wet my parched throat, and I finally spoke (rather croaked) my annoyance at his appearance. "Why are you in my room? Get out, else I will call security."

He clutched his stomach and began laughing. I was beyond mad at him till this point, and went towards him with an intention of kicking his ass.

He must have anticipated my move, because next thing I knew, he had grabbed my waist, and I was entrapped in his firm arms.

The sudden motion from the unexpected event,and the proximity to Ibhan, knocked the wind out of me. I started at him like a moth to a fire.

He moved his mouth close to my ear, and seductively whispered,"Your room honey? Last time I checked this was my suit. Are you moving in with me? Not that I mind, in fact, I would love it, if you moved in. I never thought you to be so forward. It's a pleasant surprise."

He moved away, and winked at me and I stood there like a gawking idiot.
My mouth opened and then closed, and then opened again, but no words came out.

"What am I doing in your room?", I croaked out after the shock of what he had said passed a slight.

His jolly expression changed and his eyes were filled with worry, and then the look changed again and I could read anger and at long last I could see regret.

The Ugly Project(😝Crazy Love Series) Where stories live. Discover now