Chapter one

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Hey first chapter enjoy.

Only a short chapter to introduce two of the main characters most of the story will be from my leading ladys pov and thats how it starts here. Comment/message if you see any mistakes and any constructive criticism would be fantastic.

WARNING!!!! Explicit material from the start>>

                                                                Chapter one

She bit down on her lip and moaned deeply as she felt the sting of a slap hit the cheek of her behind, there was a slight pause before she gathered herself and said clearly "Ten...thank you sir" There was no response and she bit back the urge to say anything more to him incase she earned another punishment. Minutes ticked by and still she heard nothing not a breath no footsteps... nothing. The anticipation just made her wetter and she felt her juices drip steadily down her thighs. 

Bent on her knees blindfolded with her wrists secured to the headboard of the bed she couldnt even look around to see where her lover and dominante was. She gasped as she felt a gentle carress from her neck down her back and over her buttocks, which she knew would be tinged pink just the way he liked it to be. Then finally he spoke in his deep voice with just a hint of his dublin home town accent "Well done pet such a good girl" His hand trailed to the backs of her thighs and she struggled to keep still. Biting her lip again to keep the moans and pleas for release inside. He chuckled darkly as if reading her mind "Hmm have you had enough teasing for one night have you learned your lesson my pet?" 

His hand was now between her thighs barely touching her she nodded and whimpered. There was a loud wet slap to her pussy and she let out an involentary sqeek "Answer me directly when I ask you a question pet" He went backto gently stroking her clit with his thumb and repeated the question.

 This time she answered "Yes sir I shall never challenge you in the playroom again if this pet feels the need for a spanking pet will asks her sir and not delibratetly goad sir into a punishment. If sir feels he has punished me enough then this pet is very thankful and grateful to sir for her punishment and she would like to please sir in any way he chooses" At the end of her speech she felt him withdraw from between her legs and heard his muffled footsteps as he walked away. 

For a few seconds she was worried she had displeased him then she heard the tell tale noise of a zipper being lowered and his clothes hitting the carpeted floor. Silence again she fought not to squirm again but she could almost feel his gaze on her naked body.

 The sound of a drawer opening had her nerves tingling with excitement wondering what he was bringing out to play. Footsteps again this time towards her she felt the bed dip as he climbed up behind her and the his naked chest was against her back.

"Natalia my pet I hope your ready for this" she heard a low buzzing sound and his arm came around her waist "You may scream my name and come any time pet"

She fely vibrations hit her clit and she pushed her hips towards it "Yes please sir..Cian please more" The vibrations kicked up to an almost painful level but she liked that. Then as she felt his thick long fingers slide into her from behind she came apart.

Natalia screamed his name as she came then when she thought she could take no more the blind fold was gone her wrists were released and she was laying on her back looking into the deep green eyes of her lover. "Feeling okay pet?" she nodded not being able to speak and he smiled "I know sometimes im not enough so I'm glad I pleased you tonight pet"

Natalia felt a stab of guilt for what she asked the love of her life to do for her. You see they both were into the bdsm lifestyle but when they met both were subs to the same dom.. When he didnt want to renew their contracts they stuck together as they had fallen in love. Now they both tried to fufill each others needs as best they could. Natalia knew they Couldnt go on like this when she saw the sad expression on her Cians face.

Later that night when they lay in bed she promised herself that she would do everything she could from now on to make Cian happy...and that meant a new dom.

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