Chapter five

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Phone calls went answered emails never read. Weeks passed then a month then a year. In that time Cian never forgot the feeling of being complete that Mark gave them that day and he knew Natalia hadn't either. They were both a mess they hadn't been intimate in so long knowing that at the end they would both feel ache that was always present when they lay there after. It wasn't that he didn't love Natalia he did and he knew she loved him. Mark just seemed to fill those gaps that they left in each others hearts they were inexplicably drawn to the dark and obviously broken man. He didn't understand it these feelings for a man that he barely knew and had only spent an couple of hours with at most but he had them even after all this time. In two nights time they would be hosting the event for Miriam again. The poor woman hadn't been the same since she'd woken in the middle of the night to find Mark gone only his clothes and essentials had gone with him no phone. She hadn't heard off him except a short note once a month stating he was alive and not coming back. A month after he had first gone Miriam had called them crying. They had rushed over to find her packing paintings into crates. Marks paintings all meticulously wrapped and packed to keep them safe. She couldn't cope with the visual reminder from the unfinshed canvases and the many finished that the painter was never returning to them. so She had asked them to keep them safe..just incase. They had all stored carefully at the gallery except one. The one that had bought them together for one afternoon now hung in the room Cian sat in now at his and Natalias home. The libary as Natalia liked to call it. It was in fact just an unused bedroom that they had turned in to a space to relax for the both of them a little window seat where natalia sat  a little table piled high with books from trashy novels to auto biographies a leather arm chair where cian played his computer games or played a game of chess against himself. Then hanging where they both could see it Marks master piece as they called it. They just couldnt bring themselves to hide it away with the rest. Neither of them had the courage to look through the rest of his work knowing that it would break their hearts at the wasted talent but more the ache in their hearts would increase tenfold for the man that created them.

Natalia watched from the door way of their little libary as Cian sat in his man chair as she called it lost in thought staring at Marks master piece. She'd just got home and before going to find cian had got changed from her usual buisness suits into comfy loose hareem pants and a vest walking barefoot around their aparment in search of her man. She knew what he was thinking about they both came to the same place to think about him it was the only way they felt close to him. As if staring at the dark and beautiful canvas would make them understand the man they both craved. Instead of going to Cian she quietly crept away and to the balcony off the livingroom watching the sunset over the city. She didn't know how long she stood out there just people watching from their high rise building but the sound of the door bell ringing broke her little trance. She frowned thinking maybe she'd forgotton plans for friends to come over or Cian had yet again forgotton to inform her. She met Cian in the hallway and he shrugged at her questioning look and they walked together to the door.

Mark sighed as he pulled the car to yet another stop. Bloody traffic he had been sitting in it for over an hour now he should have known better then to drive into the city at this time but he hadnt wanted to wait until the morning he knew he would loose his nerve and turn around and leave again. He couldn't help but think of the day he left a year ago. Just being this close to them brought all the memories back. The smell of Cians hair, the softness of Natalias skin, the sounds they made for him... Just thinking about it made his stomach clench in need and lust his grip on the steering wheel tightend and he closed his eyes trying and failing to shake the images out of his head.

The way they looked stood together for him, ready to please him.. how wet Natalias pussy was, the way they eagarly shared the combined cum of him and Cian...and finally their faces when he ran. That was the one that hurt the most and he didn't understand why. In all ofhis 26 years he had only let one person affect him this much and she was gone now. Then these two come along and without even trying managed to break through all the barriers he had put up and he had lost his famous control.

After another half an hour sitting in traffic wishing he had his bike instead of the car he had finally arrived. He sat outside working up the courage to get out. When he stood at the door he stopped hand raised to push the bell "Come on pull yourself together.." he rang the bell.

(ooo should I leave it here....? lol I wouldnt do that to you guys!)

Natalia opened the door and smiled when she saw Miriam standing there with a big cooking pot that was giving off the most amazing aroma. Cian quickly stepped forward and took it saying a hurried hello before rushing off to the kitchen to dish himself and the women a portion of Miriams famous stew that reminded him of home.

Laughing at him the two women hugged and chatted. Cian had indeed forgotton to mention that Miriam had called saying she was coming over tonight. They walked to the little dining area that was by the balcony doors and sat with a glass of wine. Natalia noticed that Miriam seemed nervous and asked if something was wrong. Miriam smiled and said " No everythings just perfect Nattalia but I do have some news. Lets wait for Cian." Natalia nodded and Cian came out balancing three bowls of steeming lamb stew and dumplings setting them on the table he rushed back to the kitchen for spoons and the bread rolls. When he returned they were all so caught up in eating and talking of this years graduates taking part in the art show that Natalia forgot all about the news Miriam had. It wasn't until after dinner when they were enjoying a cup of coffee or herbal tea in Miriams case that Natalia remembered. They were now seated by the fire place Cian stretched out on the floor in his loose jogging bottoms and arm thrown over his eyes complaining that miriam was going to cause him to get fat or to leave Natalia and run away with Miriam. Natalia laughed knowing the other woman would blush. The two woman sat on the sofa facing the fire and Cian. When the laughter died down Natalia turned to Miriam tucking her feet up on the sofa. "So.. whats this exciting news Miriam... No wait don't tell me. I saw you and Mr O'Cardi in the gallery two days ago flirting are you having a secret affair?" She teased. "Oh hush child me and Richard are just two adults passionate about the arts!" Cian scoffed out a laugh "Oh yes his definetly passionate Miri.." The older lady threw a pillow from the sofa at him but he just caught it and placed it under his head. "Dirty boy. No my news isn't that at all." She took a deep breath. She didnt know exactly what had happened between the three youngsters that she saw as her surragot children that day but she had seen Mark when he had returned home. His eyes wild and devastated he had ran and locked himself in the bathroom for over an hour before coming out and then locking himself in the room she had given to him for painting. He had painted well into the night she had gone to bed around midnight and had been woken by the sound of the front door closing, he had left her. The next day when she had told Cian and Natalia she saw the sadness and hurt on their faces and in their eyes so she knew something had happened and now was the time to fix it all. "His back." 

so picture is miriam (middle) I love helen mirren!! Hope you enjoyed 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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