Chapter two

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Natalia shut down the computer and grabbed the piece of paper that had just slid out the printer. standing up her heeled feet screamed she'd been on them since 9 this morning organising the gallery she and Cian owned for the showing they had tonight. It was a first for them, a professor from the local college had contacted them a few weeks ago and convinced them to hold a showing of her students end of year projects but there was a twist. At the end of the viewing there would be an auction for charity. Natalia was excited she was hoping to spot some budding young artist and maybe a piece for her and Cians home. She ignored her aching feet and scanned the paper she had printed. It was a list of tonights auction pieces ranging from sculpture metal and clay to paintings and sketches. It was the fourth time she'd printed it for Cian, who would be tonights auctioneer he had a habbit of losing things like this or using them for notes putting his coffee on or just plain throwing them away. She smoothed down her jewel blue pencil skirt and buttoned the matching jacket running her fingers through her bright red hair and clipped the paper to the clip board on the desk. Picking it up she left the quiet office and entered into the madness of the showing room. Her heels clipped nicely on the dark wood floor not that you could them over the noise of twenty students running around like headless chickens. It was a large spacious room the walls white and the ceilings high. Spotlights dotted around perfect for showcasing the art. As Natalia glanced around she spotted the professor struggling with what looked like a covered canvas while two of her students buzzed around her chattering over each other and throwing their arms around. Natalia sighed and made her way over. 

"We cant find them anywhere Ms. light what are we going to do were going to fail..oh my god I'm going to fail!" one of the students was saying as Natalia came up behind the professor.

"What seems to be the problem here then" Natalia interrupted. They both spoke together again, Natalia held up her hand and raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow her blue eyes glaring at the two male students. " One at a time please."

" Our pieces have gone missing we put them in the back room waiting for everyone to stop running around so we could bring them out.. there quite large you see and.." before he could continue Natalia held up a hand again "sculptures yes? a metal and a wood carving?" both nodded furiously. "Well thats easy just off the back room first door on the left I asked my employees to take them there and put them on to trolleys...saves you carrying them and possibly dropping them doesnt it now?" both boys smiled in relief thanked Natalia and ran off. Natalia then turned to the professor who still struggled with the canvas "Here let me take that for you Ms.light." She reached toward the large object but Ms. light shook her head and stepped back "No no dear and I told you my names miriam to you." Natalia laughed at the shorter woman. She was an older lady with long silver hair to her hips, a true hippie if Natalia ever saw one. She refused to hide her age with makeup or hair dyes and simply embraced it, she wore long printed skirts in bold and bright colors layered scarves and necklaces. Natalia loved her.

"Are you sure it looks quite heavy. Wheres the artist?"

At this miriam stiffed and a look Natalia could only describe as guilt crossed her face before she stuttered out "Well actually he isn't here, but i would like to show you..and Cian in your office if thats possible?"

Natalia smiled "Of corse I'll just go find him and meet you there. Go sit make yourself comfortable." Miraim smiled back and made her way to the office. 

Natalia watched for a moment wondering what this was about then shrugged it off and walked to the back of the room where a stage had been set up for tonight. Cian stood on it surrounded by a group of the female students. Natalia rolled her eyes not out of jealousy but because he was so oblivious of what he did to the opposite sex with his ruffled just got out of bed dark hair, cheek bones most woman would kill fo,r toned body and hazel eyes that screamed come to bed. Along with the irish accent he still had after all these years it was no wonder he had these young girls surrounding him. She was pretty sure he could be talking about the type of socks he was wearing at that moment and they would still be staring at him with stars in their eyes. She walked up the steps and as if he sensed her his eyes lifted and settled on her. A smile broke out across his face, in that moment she felt like one of the teenagers that crowded him. He extracted himself and hurried over to her "Nat great I was just thinking about you have you seen.." He didnt even get to finish his sentence as Nat handed him the clipboard she still carried. He gave a burst of laughter that made the girls behind him sigh and similtaneously throw Nat glares for being the one to make him laugh. "You know me to well mo ghra." He pulled her forward and kissed her forehead causing more glares.

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