Two days later, we are all cuddled around the bonfire, rubbing our hands together, and wishing it was summer. Of course, we're at our new house, and there are boxes everywhere waiting to be unpacked. Kendall and I will be starting school here Monday; which means we only have today, Saturday, and tomorrow to at least get our rooms more organized. I'm a little nervous to see how everyone is, and all that. But I'm mostly concerned about not having Laura to make me smile, laugh, think,disscus our books.......How on Earth I'm i supposed to survive on this crazy roller coaster without her? I'm not exaggerating by the way. I'm being true to myself about this whole thing, but Laura! I'm nothing without her. I guess all we can do is talk to each other by social media. I hope it works.
I open my eyes and- Oh my God, it's Monday! All of sudden I'm wide awake. I make myself get out of bed quickly and choose one of my nicest, but yet casual, (since I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to hard) outfits. My mom told me last night just before I went to bed that we didn't have to wear uniforms here in Sweden. I like uniforms! They make everything easier! But I just kept this to myself though, I replied, "Oh great, I'll choose something to wear tomorrow morning." The reason I said this is because I don't want to upset my mom and make her think that I don't like the idea of living here in Sweden. After all, I actually am pretty excited about it.
I looked around, and made sure that I was reading my shedule right. But, hard as I tried, I could not make sense of the way the school was organized. I looked frantically around, "Annabeth," I told myself, "You can't be late on your first day here at Werdin." It didn't help that kids were everywhere and they made it hard to move around, not less, find a classroom!. Suddendly I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy, probably in seventh grade too. He smiled, "Do you need any help?" I didn't know what to say. " please." I replied awkwardly, and showed him my schedule which he looked at closely. Then, he took a piece of paper from his pocket and examined it. "Hmm, it looks like we have the same schedule. Isn't that cool?" I smiled at him gratefully. This boy looked nice, and he is in all of my classes. "Umm, yes, that's...really...great," I said. "Would you like me to show you around? I know this school looks confusing at first, but it's actually not." It was as if, this boy, had lifted a weigh off my shoulders. I felt really relieved and suddenly shy."Yes please, I'm lost."
The boy and I entered our first period classroom. The bell hasn't rung yet, so we are the only ones there except for the teacher, Mr. Levy. He teaches math, which is one of my favorite subjects. The boy took hi usual desk and I went up to Mr. Levy. I said good morning, and asked him where I should sit. "Oh, you are the new girl! Annabeth right?" He asked. I nodded. "How delightful! Let me check to see where you can sit. Hmm, you can sit next to Ryan," he said. "Umm, Mr. Levy, where does Ryan sit?" I ask a bit embarrassed. "Oh, of course! I'm sorry I forgot. Ryan is him," he pointed to the only boy in classroom, which is, obviously, the same boy who helped me get here. All of sudden I was really happy to be sitting next to Ryan.
Kids started coming in, and the bell rung shortly afterwards. Mr. Levy presented me to the class once all the students where there. "Hello everyone, this is our new classmate, Annabeth. Make her feel welcome." I thanked him and quickly took my sit next to Ryan.

A Different Story
DiversosTwelve year old Annabeth has always thought she would graduate in her current school, Aberoad Middle School, but with a twist in her life, she moves with her family. Not to another house, or neighborhood, or even state. She is moving to a completely...