Backstory (Rogue)

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(Hey everyone!! This is a new story that just popped in my head about 2 days ago, and i wanted to write about it. Now, every main contestant for title of king dragon slayer will have a back story. The first up is Rogue! Hope you like it!)

Rogue's backstory, is a kind of sad one. His father left when he was five years old. Leaving him and his sick mother alone. Though his mom was sick, she did her best to take care of Rogue. She was a kind woman who didn't care about how much it was hurting herself, as long as Rogue was taken care of and happy. Though, she did eventually pass away when Rogue was 11. Rogue was very depressed, and unhappy. But, when he was walking around the park one day, he saw a boy around his age crying. 

Rogue walked over to they boy. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"M-my dad just left me here! He said not to come back home." He said. 

Rogue looked at the boy softly and sat down in front of him, since he was on the ground. 

"I know how you feel." He said. "My dad left five years ago, and my mom just died."

The boy looked at Rogue sadly as he stopped crying. "I'm sorry. That must be rough. I'm Sting by the way."

Rogue smiled a little at him. "Rogue." He said. 

Sting chuckled. "Cool name!" 

Rogue chuckled as well. "Thanks. Your name reminds me of a bee though."

"Hey!" He exclaimed, pretending to be mad.

Rogue just laughed, in which Sting eventually joined in. 

From then on out, they were best friends. They were with each other when they learned dragon slayer magic. They had promised to never leave each other, so the other wouldn't have to feel alone ever again. Though Rogue is kind of cold and quiet to other people, he will always have Sting by his side. 

(There we go! I hope you liked the first part! I will try and update when I can!)


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