Backstory (Y/n)

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(This is your backstory!!)

Much like Natsu's, your backstory is a pretty normal one. Nothing too great or too bad happened in your life. The only thing, was that you were very powerful. Your mother and father were dragon slayers. Your mother a light dragon slayer, and your father a dark dragon slayer. So when you were born, you were born an elemental dragon slayer, which meant you knew all elements. From the time you could walk you were training to strengthen, and control, your powers. 

Once you were training in your backyard, and saw a pink flash go by, and stop in front of your gate. Curious, you went over to it, and saw it was a boy.

"Who are you?" You asked. 

"Hm?" He questioned and looked at you. "I'm Natsu! Who're you?"

"Y/n!" You exclaimed. 

You both smiled at each other. 

"Hey, wanna train with me?" You asked. 

He nodded. "Sure!"

Then you guys were best friends! You trained together often, and you sometimes even watched him train with his father. You both grew stronger together. 

Who's Her King? (Dragon Slayers X Reader. Slightly Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now