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When I wake up, it takes me a few moments to remember where I am and what happened yesterday. That makes me smile because I remembered it. I don't know what time it is, but when I get up, the door is unlocked. Gran Rey isn't here. His door is closed. I check the clock on his desk and watch the hands move to read 7:00. A few seconds later, I hear a loud alarm sound. I don't know what it is. I stand in uncertainty for a few seconds. Then I start to walk out, thinking it might be a colony meeting. And I'm a member now!

My hand touches the door knob just as I hear a door open behind me. I turn my head to see Gran Rey walk out of his room. He looks like he just woke up.

"What was that alarm for?" I ask.

"That was the wake-up alarm."

"Oh." I didn't know there was a wake-up alarm. "Does it go off every morning?"


"I never noticed it before." It confuses me. Why wouldn't I remember it? Am I forgetting things again? Am I going to lose who I am again? I assure myself that I won't forget because I have my diary safe and sound.

He shrugs, a puzzled look on his face. "Weird."

"Do you feel less drunk today?" I ask, trying to be somewhat lighthearted.

He rolls his eyes. "Yes. Thank you."

"Do you have a hangover?"

"No. I didn't drink that much."

"That's good." I open the door, not knowing what else to say. He walks out after me, and we start walking side by side down the hall. He opens the door to the staircase for me. It surprises me, but I make sure not to let it show. The staircase is wide enough for us to walk side by side again.

"So today I guess I'll give you a tour and show you all the jobs and stuff."

"Can I ask questions?" I glance at him.

"As long as they're relevant."

"Okay. Do people get days off?"

"Well, nobody works on Sunday-"

"What day is today?" I think aloud. Then I realize I interrupted him. "Sorry."

"Today is Friday."

"Okay. Continue." I feel bad for interrupting him. It's rude.

"Not everybody works every day or all day. The plumbing and electricity have to be checked daily. Farming rotates every week, so the people working in the colony this week will be out there next week. Gary has the only tweezers in the colony, so he's technically on duty all the time-"

"Tweezers?" I interrupt again, then bite my lip.

"Tweezers are the little metal things you use to get out splinters..." he explains.

"I know what they are... but does he really use them that often?"

"No. But he's only one who really has any medical equipment and experience. Some people just call him Tweezers to make fun of how much he kind of just sits there."

"Oh." I don't know what to say. I wonder if that's because I don't remember anything, or if that's actually my character.

"Anyway, Dan kind of monitors people and trains them for combat and stuff-"

"Why do you train for combat?" I ask, interrupting again. I'm afraid if I don't interrupt, I won't get a chance to ask the question.

He sighs and rolls his eyes, making me feel bad. But he's smiling slightly, so maybe he doesn't mind too much. "Some gangs in the city attack sometimes, or random rogue gangs. There's also the lingering fear that the Disaster is still going on and that we'll have to fight."

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