Chapter 3: My new pet

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          As we were walking through the forest I heard something wrestling around in the trees,I looked up and saw a black and white tail. So I made my monkey sound then a black and white capuchin monkey jumped on my head. I screamed with tears of joy! (I love monkeys) and then I grabbed him off of my head, and asked him what his name was, then he screeched something in monkey. I translated it to 'I don't know' and then I tried to think of a name for him. I feel strange because I'm walking in a dark forest with a monkey on my head, while Cathy is humming.
         Alec wouldn't talk unless I asked him something, a couple hours later it was night time and we have to camp out for the night again. After Alec was asleep, I thought Cathy was too but she wasn't, she claimed up on a rock by our campsite. She started singing, " Star light,star bright, the first star I see to night,I wish I may, I wish I might, the first star I see tonight, I wish I could get home soon." After that she crawled back to her sleeping bag, and my monkey was laying next to me, asleep. In the morning all of our food was gone! A BEAR ate all of our food!!!!! (I know that a bear ate the food because of the tracks)Good thing I kept some food in my backpack. I looked in my back pack and........WHAT????!!!! All the food is gone!!!!(stupid bear)I can't believe all of our food is gone, I quickly woke up Alec and Cathy. She was shocked because she said that is strange because usually the bears are afraid of people, even if the people are asleep. My monkey is still asleep and it was easy to carry him I still couldn't think of a name for the little guy.
            I was thinking maybe Jeffrey,or maybe fluffy. But none of them seem to fit.
           My feet stared to hurt after a while and I heard something run past that made a wrestling sound. I jumped a little and and I quickly said is it just me or does things wrestle in the bushes a lot???!!! They didn't respond but all of a sudden, we were surrounded by.......

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