Chapter 16 ~Naruto's arrival~

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Time skip!!  


KRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!! KRIIIIII- CRASH!!! I threw the noisy alarm clock and it hit the wall hard. It broke into pieces and I sighed, going back to sleep.







"Muahahahahaha!!!" I suddenly laughed and jolted up. I opened my eyes and looked around, holding my head. "Haha. That was funny," I said while grinning crazily. I giggled and soon, I laughed again.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! H-HIS FACE WAS P-PRICELESS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA!!!" Tears were flowing down my face and after a few minutes, I decided to stop, and wiped my tears.

Haha. What a dream. Anyway, I stood up and did my OLD morning routine.

Wash face. Wash. Wash. Wash. 

Eat breakfast (ramen). Eat. Eat. Eat. 

Take a bath. Bathe. Bathe. Bathe. 

Brush teeth. Brush. Brush. Brush. 

Brush hair. Brush. Brush. Brush.

Then, I went outside for a walk. I yawned and closed my eyes. Hmmm... Talking about that, what is it like to be blind? What would that feel? I havent seen any blind person yet. What does it feel to be blind? I made a handkerchief appear and I tied it around my head, covering my eyes, like a blindfold.

I started to walk slowly, taking each steps carefully, letting the wind lead me to a place. I listened to the birds. I remembered that I am not in a forest. Im infront of the apartment where Naruto lives.

And I can feel the strange looks and stares of the villagers. I mean, who would want to blindfold themselves in a place full of people? Nahh. Im TRAINING. Hahaha. After that, I started to walk.



"Oops sorry!!" 


"Watch where youre going!!" 




"Im really sorry!!" 


"Ouch! That hurt!" 

"I didnt mean it!!" 


After a few hehe.... Small talk. I bumped onto someone. "He-!! Rinn?" A familiar voice said and I stood up, dusting my clothes off. I fell on the ground from the impact, okay?? Anyway, I used my ears to listen. I havent removed my blindfold yet.

"RINN ITS REALLY YOU!!!!! OH HOW IVE MISSED YOU!!! MY AWESOME SISTA!!!!" Then, I was hugged.... Tightly. "Ack! Cant.... Breathe!!!" I said and the boy's arms were suddenly removed from my waist.

"Oops! Sorry, Rinn-chan," The boy said and I realized that the boy is.... "NARUTO!?!?!?!? NARUTO!!!!!!" I yelled, then, tackled him on the ground, giving him one of my bone-crushing hugs. "OH HOW IVE MISSED YOU AS WELL!!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING!?!?! ARE YOU HURT!?!?! ARE YOU-" I was cut off when he spoke.

"Haha. Rinn-chan, im fine! Dont worry about me! Anyway, I learned a technique! And its called Rasengan! Pervy-sage taught me!!" He said and I can feel that he is grinning really wide. "Oh! Thats good, Nii-san!! Can you teach me that technique too??" I asked.

"Of course!!! Well, im starving!! Lets go get some ramen!!!" Before I can even do something, he dragged me towards the oh-so-famous ramen stand. Asking me how I know? Haha. I can smell the delicious scent of ramen. Yum.

"Umm, why are you wearing a blindfold?" Naruto asked, just noticing it now. "Well, I am training!" I said, then, smiled. "Training?" He asked. "Yep!! This may come in handy. You know, maybe someday, my eyes will be damaged or something and I cant see or what if someone casted a mist like Zabuza did and I cant see. Something like that. Then, if I train, I can still fight! So yah. Its handy," I said, grinning widely.

"Ohh," He said and bowls of ramen were placed infront of us. Because I heard the thuds and Teuchi said.... "Here you go!" I smiled at him and ate my ramen.


Today me and Naruto decided to remove Kakashi's mask.... Hehe.

"Come on Sasuke!!! This will be fun!!!!" I yelled while trying to drag him towards the ramen stand. Well, its like this, me and Sasuke, going to wait at Ichiraku Ramen while Naruto and Sakura gets Kakashi-sensei.

Actually, I already know the.... Plot. Hehe. But I am planning something different. 


After our failures.....

"Oh? You could've just told me," Kakashi said. Then, he removed his mask just to reveal a paler mask beneath it. All of them sweatdropped except me.

"No. Thats not what we meant," I said, then, my clone appeared infront of him and tackled him on the ground. She removed Kakashi's mask but Kakashi pulled it up again and pushed my clone off him. It just happened in a mere second though.

My clone just got to see his nose. Aw.  

"Hehe. Thats what I meant. Remove your mask, Kakashi! We just wanted to see your face!" I said bluntly. Its kinda annoying though. Teuchi and his daughter were the only ones who were able to see his face. Not fair.

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