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The next day at Kadic Academy, the five friends were seated in the cafeteria, tomorrow would be their day off, and instead of spending it relaxing and socializing, they were going to track down and contain the mystery girl and get some information out of her.

“Do you really think this could be a Xana attack?” Yumi whispered across the table. Everyone sitting at the lunch table scooted their chairs into a cluster to prevent anyone from hearing their conversation. Pushing her tray aside, she leaned in closer, making direct eye contact with Jeremie.

“Well,” Odd said through a mouthful of food, “we don't know that for sure, she could be trapped, like Aelita was.”

“But wouldn't you think I would remember if I had a sister, or if my father sent someone else into Lyoko with me? Or he would at least send us something to find her; he wouldn't just leave her.”

“Hey, I'm just trying to think of a different idea! She doesn't have to be Xana. She looked too.. uh... too-”

“Cute?” Ulrich said, grinning at him from across the table. Yumi looked from Ulrich to Odd, then back. “Don't try to deny it Odd, I saw the way you looked at her.”

“Well, she was pretty cute.”

“Odd,” Jermie interrupted, “don't fraternize with the enemy.”

“We don't know if she's an enemy!” Aelita squeaked, flustered by the sudden mixed emotions her friends were giving her. “Tomorrow, we'll go to Lyoko and find her, not hunt her down like some kind of animal. Hopefully Xana will stay as quiet as he's been, and we can safely get to her.”

“She's right, we need to stay open to new possibilities. We have so far.” Ulrich said, looking at Aelita with a smile.

So it was decided. As the group dispersed to their classes, the day dragged on without one hint of Xana. Night came and the five were restless, eager to jump into their new adventure in the morning.

“Odd?” Ulrich asked from across the room, the clock read 2:27am and Ulrich wasn't counting on sleeping.


“What do you think we'll find tomorrow? What happens if she's just a Xana attack?”

“Well...” Odd trailed off. Turning to face the wall, he thought about it. He hoped she wasn't. “I guess we'll just have to get rid of her, just like we do with the rest of Xana's monsters.”

“What did you see about her that makes you think she's not evil?” The question Ulrich asked his best friend hung in the air. There was a quiet buzzing of the lights and the soft snoring of Kiwi.

“Ugh, I don't know. She just looked, scared. If William hadn't interrupted, I think she wouldn't said something to me.

“Huh.” The answer was good enough to Ulrich, every girl Odd saw was a potential for him. This didn't mean anything. With that, Ulrich and Odd both dosed off, satisfied with the questions asked and answers given.

The next morning the friends met at the old factory.

“Alright, Jeremie said, “Xana hasn't activated a tower, so I think it's safe. Head down to the scanner room.”

“Scanner, Aelita, Scanner, Yumi. Transfer Aelita, transfer, Yumi. Virualization.” The same burst of air struck the two young girls and sent them to Lyoko.

As their virtual forms were materialized, they hung for a moment and dropped onto the desert ground where they last saw the girl. Odd and Ulrich fell almost immediately after them, behind the girls.

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