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The elevator stopped to position itself into place. The shining doors slide open and the women's heels clicked along the marble floor. The little boy's hands travel along the name plates next to the doors until the women's walking stopped and she pulled him towards the front desk. The clicking of her heels stopped and she placed a stack of papers on the desk for the  lady there.

She shuffles through the papers and stamps the one on top, typing something in her computer.

"743" the lady said, sighing like she didn't injoy her job. "Go straight there, no sidetracking"

"Of course" the women says harshly and pulled on her son's arm to make him move. The clicking picks up again and she speed walks down the hallway, but she is not exited. She spent so much of her time and money to make her daughter--the daughter that she absolutely hates-- to be able to have a normal life. But that is not the women's problem. Her daughter made herself the way she is, sitting in her room all day talking to a person that does not exist.

It's not Lauren's fault that Cadence is insane.

She stops at door 743  and roughly swings it open, revealing an empty room.

"Oh! Mrs. Lorone, I didn't expect you to show up this early!" Says a girl who was walking up the hallway. Lauren picks at her nails--fake nails--. "Cadence is at the cafeteria around the corner"

"Of course, how professional of you to not have my daughter ready for me when I drove 4 1/2 hours to come pick her up"

"My apologies, Mrs. Lorone. You are more than welcome to come down to the cafeteria"

"With all the other lunatics? I'd rather not" Lauren adjusts her purse's strap on her shoulder. The girl looks at her, somewhat suprrised.

"Oh, well, um, I'll bring her right away." She rushes out of the room. Lauren smiles, amused.

She places her hand on the metal rail of the bed. With her other hand, flicking away pieces of fluff.

The screeching sound of the wheelchair comes around the corner.

"Here you are, Cadence." The girl looks up at Lauren. "Her medication and other information is in her bag" she tightens the straps to the bag and hands it over to Lauren. "Make sure to check her out, the lady at the front desk on the base floor will fill out some papers for you and then you're good to go" she takes one last glance at Cadence and walks out of the room.

"Come on let's go" Lauren tugs in Cadence's arm. "You don't need that you can walk perfectly fine" Cadence stands up from her wheelchair and walks alongside her mother to the elevator.

She breaths in the air when she steps outside the hospital doors. Parked in front of the stair is a black, shinning car with the door to the passenger side and being held open by man with brown hair and a suit. Another man wearing a suit(the man is old) hold open the right door to the back of the car. Lauren takes a seat in the front and the gown haired man closes the door and walks around to the driver seat. Cadence climbs in the back-but the old man doesn't shut the door, her walks away back into the hospital- she pushes the door until it shuts. Her brother Johnnie climbs in next to her.

She takes one deep breath as the car pulls away. She stares at the gates opening to let them out.

Cadence is free.

"The gateway has opened"

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