Chapter 8 - A feeling of Sorts

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The next day was one of Wendy's days off so she slept in way later than she should have. When she woke up she glanced at her clock and saw that it was almost midday. Wendy smiled and slowly rose out of her bed. She would have stayed in bed longer, but she had searching to do. Tom Tattler wasn't going to find her himself you know.

Wendy walked down the stairs dressed in a pink skirt and a deep blue overcoat. She felt very strange in pink seeing as she would normally never be seen dead in the colour. But, rules were rules and today Wendy had to stick true to the bet. Luckily Eliza was still asleep in her room so she couldn't get angry at Wendy for the blue overcoat. Wendy started making herself a pot of tea and smiled. This was the first time in years that she had actually wanted to wear blue. Maybe it was because she knew that she wasn't crazy... or maybe it was because she knew that she had a chance of finding Tom... Whatever the reason, Wendy was very happy to be wearing her favourite colour again.

Wendy looked through the cupboards for cups, but she could only find one. Eliza obviously liked tea because she had drunk the last cup while Wendy wasn't looking.

Wendy searched for ages but she just couldn't find more than one cup, so she thought that she would have to go out and buy more that day. She had some left over money from work after all.

There was a knock at the door and Wendy got up to answer it. Against her hopes, it wasn't Peter, it was the postman.

The postman's name was actually Nicholas Fisher and he always thought that he was way too young to be a postman. It had taken him a while, but he had managed to convince the post office to hire him because he was desperate for a job. He was trying to save up enough money to help his parents move from the country to London. He never got to see them because they lived in a cramped cottage up in Yorkshire. He thought that he would help them move into city life by buying them a house. What he didn't know what that his parents were quite happy living in the country, but he hadn't asked them whether they would want to move. He just assumed these kinds of things. Nicholas was a lovely boy, but he wasn't exactly the most fortunate looking. The postman's cap that he was wore did not compliment his English styled nose and he did not really care about his appearance. He had cut his own hair for years and his greasy brown locks looked like he had had an accident with the kitchen scissors.

“Hello madam, I have a parcel here for Wendy from a Peter.” said the postman, handing over the parcel.

“Oh yes, thank you.” said Wendy taking it from him.

“And I accidentally rode over this on my bicycle,” said the postman, handing over a broken tea cup. “It was sitting outside your front door and I wasn't paying attention.” The postman held up the broken pieces of one of Wendy's tea cups.

Princess and Butler were sitting on the stairs, watching all of this happening.

“I have no idea how it got there!” said Wendy, taking the broken cup. “I'll talk to Eliza about this...”

“Talk to me about what?” Eliza said, standing at the bottom of the stairs behind Butler and Princess. Both of the animals scattered before they got discovered, but the postman stayed still. His eyes were wide and his mouth had shaped into a small 'o'. Eliza looked at him with a confused expression on her face while he stared at her. Suddenly his bike fell over behind him and the crash made him come to his senses.

“I-I'm sorry, I'll j-just be off,” he stuttered running out of the door and picking up his bike. He rode away as fast as he could with his face red and his smile wide.

Wendy watched him fly off down the road and then shut the door. She turned around at Eliza who was looking very confused indeed.

“Who was that?” asked Eliza making her way into the kitchen

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