Chapter Eight: We Don't Belong

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The threads start to intertwine with each other as the pattern finishes up.

"George," I call to him. My husband enters into the room, confused. "Try to grab the wand in this cloth."


"Just try."

He gives me a questioning look as he reaches towards the picture. His hand disappears into the creation and comes out holding an Egyptian wand.


"No clue. Try putting it back."

George easily completes the task, causing a smile to grow on my face. Oh this plan will work out brilliantly.

"How long till the next house switch?" I ask him.

"Three days. Why?"

"Because I might have to make a trip then."


I tie the bundle of clothes together and shove it into my bag. George and I head down to the living room to say goodbye to Fred. Since it is two in the morning, Erik is sound asleep.

"Are you sure about this?" Fred asks.

"Jas thinks this is the best idea," my husband states.

"Though," I respond, "George doesn't have to come."

"And let you go off and get all the glory, I don't think so."

I chuckle and shake my head in response. We say goodbye one last time before George grabs my hand. The two of us shadow jump to Cleopatra's Needle.

"No one is around us," George states.

"That is why we came here this early. Now shut up and let me concentrate."

I start muttering the spell, hoping this will work. The boat appears along the entrance to Duat. My knees buckle and George catches me. He mutters wicked as he carries me onto it. The hammerhead demon walks up to us. The red head sets me gently on my feet.

"How can I help you, Miss?" He asks.

"The House," I order. "Stat."

The demon walks off to steer the ship. I turn to George.

"If you make sure he doesn't kill me, I'll do the same."

"What?" He asks.

"There is still so much for you to learn of my world."

"Same goes for you."

We laugh and the two of us go below deck to avoid the dangers of Duat. On the table is a bowl of fresh fruit, so I grab an apple. I keep tossing it up in the air and catching it. George snatches it midair before taking a bite out of it.

"Hey," I snap.

"I was hungry," he states.

"There is a whole bowl of fruit."

"But I wanted that specific apple."

I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm. He throws the apple at me, which I catch just mere inches from my head. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls closer, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you," he mutters.

"I love you too."

The moment is soon ruined as the demon enters, causing me to stand straight up. Ever since Sadie told me on how the Kanes' tried to kill her and her brother, I have been extremely cautious.

"We have arrived, Miss."

George and I head up on deck and step off the boat. I lead him through the market place, trying to get to Amos quickly. People start leaning out of their booths or turning to stare at us. We do stick out like a sore thumb due to how we are dressed. George has on a pair of jeans and his old Quidditch sweater. While I'm wearing old, torn jeans, purple shirt, and my old leather jacket.

"Should have worn the magician clothes," I mutter.

"You have some guts coming here," someone shouts. "Brining our children into another war."

"Another war would have followed eventually," I snap back. "Better to have some experience when in one. Take my word on that."

Several people start yelling at us in different languages, though I got what they were saying. Chaos would have taken over if it weren't for Amos. He walks over.

"These two are my guests," he states before motioning for me and George to follow. He leads us to the throne room. How it has expanded since I last have been here. Memories of the past play on the wall and hieroglyphics float all around. George stops in front of one playing memory near the end of the hallway and I have to pull him away.

"They're dangerous to watch," I warn him.

"You were in it," he states.

"Then it must have been the fight with Apophis."

He nods his head. Amos clears his throat and we look see he is sitting on the steps next to throne like the leaders before him.

"How may I help you two?" he asks.

"Due to the wards on the England House," I explain, "is it possible you can deliver these to them." I pull out the bundle of clothes. "They just have to pull the supplies out of the cloth. Great way for those who are still being forced into Hogwarts to have protection and fight."

He takes the bundle and look through them.

"And they work?"

"Yes sir."

"Then I'll pass them out. Oh, and Jasmine, next time, do dress appropriately."

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