Chapter 1: I Miss you

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A/N: hello my lovelies! Here I am with the sequel to Stay Away from Me. I finally did the first chapter, but like always this chapter is unedited. I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Marissa's Pov

I sigh as I watch my little 4 year old run up to that dreadful penthouse. I'm following closely behind him as I keep my eyes on the one man that I can't get out of my mind no matter how hard I try. 5 years passed. 5 years and nothing has come out of it. He still doesn't acknowledge that we were once together.

As soon as we get to the steps of his home, I kiss Hyeon's forehead goodbye. He looks at me sadly, knowing that he's going to leave me missing him. He's pretty smart for a four year old. He knows when I'm feeling sad or lonely.

"Mommy, I'm going to miss you," He whines. I try to hold back my tears.

This happens every weekend. We always part ways sadly. I nod my head in Yoongi's direction, signaling for Hyeon to ho over to him.

"Marissa, you're here longer than need be," Yoongi whispers to me once Hyeon is safely inside.

Without saying a word back to him, I walk away. I can't continue to live like this. My heart aches for him. My heart wants him still. I thought I had moved on from him.

N isn't going to like this one bit. We always argue over this subject. N has been feeling insecure lately. I don't blame him. I feel like I'm playing with his emotions.

I slowly open my car door in hopes that Yoongi runs up to me to tell me that he suddenly remembers me, but alas this isn't a fairy tail. There are never happy endings.

Whoever said that happy endings are real was lying. Sometimes I wish this were a Disney movie with a happy ending. I want that happily ever after that the princesses always receive. Is that too much to ask for?

Once I climb into the driver's seat I look up at the porch where he's still standing, leaning against the door frame as he looks at me. I see something behind his eyes. They look as if they're sad. I don't know why though.

I sigh as I place the car in reverse, backing out of his driveway. I drive down the roads angrily. I have so many emotions swirling around my mind. I don't know which is more prominent, anger, sadness, or perhaps loneliness? None of this makes sense to me. My whole life has been nothing but confusion and heartbreak.

My life has just been a continuous downward spiral. The only good thing that came out of my life was my son Hyeon. He was literally the highlight of my day.

Waking up to see him bouncing excitedly on my bed with that bright smile of his was the start of my every morning. He was truly a ball of sunshine. He was a positive kid.

He doesn't show any sadness. Not once has his smile faltered. Sometimes I wonder who's the adult in the family. I chuckle lightly to myself as that thought crosses my mind.

Before I know it, I'm pulling into the parking lot of my apartment complex. I get out with a heavy sigh, locking my car door as I walk up the four flights of stairs to my apartment.

There is an elevator, but I prefer to take the stairs. For some reason it helps clear my mind.

Placing the key in the lock makes me sad all over again. Once I open these doors I'm going to be walking into an empty apartment.

The worse feeling in the world is the feeling of loneliness. You get lost in your own thoughts. You become engulfed in the negative emotions.

I could be with N right now, but Yoongi didn't like the idea of his son going on tour with a group of six men. He said that he'd rather look after him for the week instead of his son going.

Chasing Lost Love (Sequel to Stay Away From Me)Where stories live. Discover now