Chapter 20: The Final Chapter

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A/N: This is the last chapter of this story.  I want to thank all of you who have made It this far. This chapter is unedited. Happy reading lovelies,😊😊

Yoongi's Pov

10 years later

The four of us are standing at her gave, laying down a new bouquet of tiger lilies, her favorite flowers. The fact that she died 10 years ago still haunts me. I've struggled these past years without her. I lost the love of my life, and the mother to my children.

"Why did mom die again," Yuki, now 17, asks me as she rests her hand on the tombstone. She cries every night, calling out to her mom. She doesn't remember that dreadful day. She had blocked that day out of her mind, not wanting to remember it.

"She died protecting both you and Hyeon," I whisper out. The air around us is calm and still as the sun is shining down.

"What was she like," Hyeon follows up with another question. How could I describe such perfection to the kids? She was everything anyone could truly want.

"She was the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes upon. Not only was she independent, but she had the most gentle, kind soul I had ever seen. Her heart was so big that she was willing to forgive anyone and everyone. Her loving nature and bright smile is what I loved most about her though. She was am incredible person, one that would want to see her kids happy," I reply.

They always ask what she's like, and I always have the same response. I think they're trying to grasp onto a little piece of memory that they hold of their mother, never wanting to let it go.

Jimin squeezes my hand comfortingly as he watches the three of us spend time with my wife.

After we had heard the news that she didn't make it, Jimin has been there to help heal us all every step of the way. Eventually I grew to really love Jimin about 8 years after Marissa had passed, and he gladly accepted me.

A small ping of guilt had went through my heart that I had found someone else to love. I couldn't help but feel as if I was betraying my wife, yet the kids reassured me that it was okay.

They have grown to love Jimin as I have and they are happy that him and I are together. We all stand there as a slight breeze flows through the air on this calm morning.

"Marissa, are you watching over us? Are you watching your kids grow up to be just as independent and strong as you? Are you proud of them? I know you wanted to build a family, but you're not here to do so. Have I been doing a good job in your place? Will I get to see you again one day?" Even though I know I won't ever have an answer to these questions, I still ask them anyway as my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.

I take a deep shaky breath as I look up into the clear blue sky, tears flowing out of my eyes. I close my eyes loosely as I remember our last encounter so vividly.

I was studying her face, remembering the look in her beautiful blue eyes. I remember cupping her cheek, feeling her soft tan skin on my fingertips as I studied her some more so I wouldn't forget her. I remember hearing her soft voice talking to me and kissing her one last time. The feel of her soft lips moving with mine in a passion filled kiss as we escaped to our own world was still so very clear to me.

If I knew that truly was going to be our last encounter, I would have insisted on her staying home, no matter how much she had protested against my wishes. I can't ever forget her, not until I die and I'm able to be reunited with her.

"Hey dad," Yuki calls out to me. I look to her as she smiles, handing me a bottle of water. "Don't cry anymore, I'm sure mom is watching over us and protecting us from above." She looks to the sky now, her smile never fading as she closes her eyes.

"Yuki's right," Hyeon chimes in, showcasing a bright smile that resembled Marissa's so much. This is why we are a strong family, because we are each other's hope.

"You have very strong kids," Jimin observes. I nod in agreement as I continue to watch the two of them.

"Marissa, please continue to watch over us all as we continue on life," I whisper out, finally turning to leave.

We all head back to my house, the others waiting for us patiently. When we walk in, little kids run up to hug our legs, their parents trying to pry them off.

Taehyung and Jungkook had adopted two twin girls who were just five years old. Henry and Jin had adopted a ten year old boy, whereas Jackson and Jaebum adopted a sixteen year old girl with a two year old boy. Everyone was happy and getting along after so many years, but they too were still devastated of that awful day.

Namjoon and Hoseok had been forgiven by the group, me included, seeing that they were forced to do what they did. The two of them had eventually gotten together as a couple, taking everyone by complete surprise, because for the longest time, Namjoon was trying to get Jin back, only to have Jin constantly turn him down.

Yuki had learned that her biological father was Hoseok, whom she gave a second chance to. It took a few years, but she finally fully accepted him as her real father, but she preferred to stay with me, so I allow Hoseok to have her on the weekends. Things were starting to look up after struggling for years and years, but there was still a long journey of healing ahead for all us.

What will the future bring for each of us? Nobody ever truly knows. All we can do is hope for a very bright future that's filled with love and support.

Thank you to everyone who had come along this long journey with all of us, even though it had turned into a tragic ending for a beautiful and kind soul. I'm Min Yoongi, and I will keep going for my kids while my deceased wife continues to watch over me.

I hope everyone stays healthy and we'll.


A/N: Thank to all who had come along this journey of this 2 part book. I know the ending was sad and the main couple couldn't enjoy a happily ever after, but I hope you enjoyed the book nonetheless. It saddens me that this book has finally officially came to an end. Thank you to my lovely readers who has continued to read this book even though my updates were slow.

As always, stay lovely and stay healthy.

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