Chapter 3: I'm in Love

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A/N: Heyo all. I finally updated this chapter. Sorry for the long wait!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Happy reading lovelies 😁😁

Jimin's Pov

I wake up the next day with the covers just covering my lower section, my upper body completely exposed. I try to sit up, wincing at the pain in my rear. I look to my side to see Yoongi soundly sleeping.

I smile to myself, greatful that we were able to share such an intimate moment with one another. I take in his handsome features, from his fringes of his hair on his face to his lips. Those lips that I've been dying to have on me.

I gently push back his now pitch black hair with blue streaks in it. He had recently changed it, and it really suits him well. It's a perfect contrast from his beautiful pale skin. I allow my eyes to travel to his upper body, my face heating up at the sight of him.

I'm really happy that for now I could have him. I know I'm treading on dangerous territory right now, but this is best for everyone. This will help Marissa get over him completely. I will be able to finally be extremely happy.

What happened to Minho you ask? Well let's just say her and I didn't work out. She's in the mental hospital still, not even remotely getting better. Her condition was taking a huge toll on my mind, making me depressed in the process as well. It wasn't good for me at all, so I left her.

She understood. That came as a shocker to me. I was happy that I didn't hurt her too much. I was happy that I was able to part ways with her on good terms.

Where's Yuki? She's with Yoongi's parents. Marissa technically has custody of the child, but she wants Yoongi's parents to watch after her for a little while. I'm not too sure when Marissa will have Yuki in her possession, but I do know it's going to be soon.

Yoongi slightly stirs, which wakes me from my thoughts. I quickly look over to see him slowly opening his eyes. He looks up at me as I look down at him.

"Morning baby," He says groggily. You could tell he was still tired.

I blush at the pet name he had given me. I just stare at him in awe. I'm not sure how to respond to that. Does that mean he wants to be more than a one night stand, I ask myself.

He sits up next to me, grabbing my chin lightly so I'm facing him. He leans in to plant a sweet gentle kiss on my lips. The simple action has my heart racing. I'm freaking out on the inside.

I don't know what to say or do. My dream of being with the man I've always wanted to be with is coming to fruition. This moment I want frozen in time.

"Are you embarrassed Jimin?" His voice was soft, yet it held amusement to it.

I look to my lap, guilt instantly overcoming my being. I don't know why I feel this way. The feeling instantly disappears when I feel a hand gently squeeze mine.

"Jimin, I have something I would like to ask you," He pauses as he looks into my eyes. My heart drums in my chest as I await his question. I start to get really nervous. "Will you be my boyfriend," He blurts out fast.

I widen my eyes as I look at him in shock. Did he really ask me that? I'm so happy in this moment. I can feel tears of joy roll down my cheeks.

Yoongi cups my cheeks in his palms as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs. "Ye-yes," I manage to choke out.

He breaks out into a beautiful gummy smile as he pulls me into a gentle kiss. One that's filled with different emotions. I can't tell which is which, but it's still full of passion, so I'm not complaining.

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