Chapter 17: On a Hunt

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A/N: Here is another chapter. It is unedited. As always, happy reading lovelies ^^

3rd Person's Pov

Marissa was in a panic. The blonde haired female had no idea who had her children, and she was having panic attacks. She couldn't get over the fact that they were really taken. She believes wholeheartedly that this is all her fault. She's to blame for her babies going missing.

Why didn't she search harder after Hyeon was taken out of her grasp? How could she allow this to happen? Too many thoughts were swirling through the young mother's mind as the father was searching every video tapes from the zoo in hopes of finding the culprit.

The black haired male had a pretty good idea on who had his kids. He couldn't believe how stupid he was for believing that the kids were safe. He was a fool to believe that they could enjoy a peaceful family outing together. How were both of them taken from right under the parents?

The whole situation was messed up as he stood there watching the cameras carefully. Yoongi was intensely staring at the screen until his eyes land on the exit. He saw his son, he was sure of it. The person's face who was dragging his son wasn't clear. He had the security stop the video to scroll in to see if they could make out the person. Yoongi was determined to find the person who took his kids.

Marissa was nervously watching the screens with Yoongi. She was scared for her children, she needed to make sure they were ok. The silhouette of the person was familiar. Too familiar. She gasps loudly when she figures out who it is, all eyes turning to her now.

The room was getting too stuffy for her. The female couldn't believe that she was being betrayed again by the same person. She was having trouble breathing. The room was spinning and she was desperately gasping for air. She had to lean against the wall, stabilizing herself with one hand on the wall and her other hand clutching at her chest. Her chest was feeling too tight. Everything around her was a blur and all sound was faint.

Yoongi instantly went to her side when he saw this happening, whispering sweet, encouraging words to her in hopes of helping her through her panic attack. Marissa had finally got a grasp of her breathing, but the tears continued to flow down her face. She was hurting. She didn't want to believe it.

"What caused you to go into a panic," Yoongi calmly asks. Her watery eyes meets his curious gaze. Should she tell him? Maybe he already figured out, but maybe he didn't. She didn't want to be the one to have to say who was behind the kidnapping.

"Namjoon," she chokes out. Everyone was silent, waiting for her to elaborate more. She takes a deep shaky breath. "Namjoon is behind taking Hyeon, which means Hoseok most likely took Yuki."

Yoongi was deathly silent, turning his attention back to the screen. It was all clicking together now. He too recognized the silhouette of the kidnapper. He wasn't surprised though. He was just hoping that their eyes were deceiving them.

"What if our kids are being hurt," Marissa breaths out. Her worry was returning. She knew they should've stayed in. She knew they shouldn't have come out for a family adventure, not when a crazy psychopath is after her and her family.

"We'll get them back. Don't worry," Yoongi says softly. He doesn't want Marissa to have another panic attack. He wants her to try to remain calm in this stressful situation.

It was easier said than done for the blonde female. Those were her children in the grasp of the most dangerous man on earth, and they were at a total loss as to where the kids are being held. That's even if the children were still alive.

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