Chapter 9: Can't Say Love

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"After Sunday's surprise earthquake that shook two apartment buildings and four hotels in the same viridian, police officials are looking into a possible mutant outbreak in New York city. Last Tuesday's riot at the police department when two mutants gained up on a group of high school kids as they walking home, caused several higher personnel to take action. These recent events have brought up a past case similar to this one. Four years ago a major black caused by what the police said to be a massive electrical pulse so strong they knew it wasn't from the wires."

I turn of the TV when Michael's fingers are riddled in little bolts of electricity. Michael was the one who caused that blackout when Luke attacked him, his body took in and surged so much electricity it drained him. Ashton and I found him unconscious barely alive, Ash's friend healed him. 

Michael lifts his shirt running his fingers of the burned scar from the electricity leaving his chest. His pale skin now supporting a charred black blemish he feels the need to keep covered, even from me.

I intertwine our fingers and lean against him. "Michael, don't think about it."

"It's hard not to when I have a permanent reminder of it." Michael looks up at me with his sad green eyes. I bite my lip resting my forehead against his. "I just wish Niall was able to get rid of the scar."

"But I think it makes you mysterious, I know you don't like it but I do. It's something that only I get to see." I ghost my fingers of the scar. He sleeps with a shirt on to cover it at night but sometimes when he is asleep I will sneak a peak.

"I just don't like the thought of me almost dying because a stupid guy tried to kill me, and my powers was the one to actually try." He sighs bring me up on to his lap for comfort. I let him hold me against his body while I run my fingers over every aspect of his face. His green eyes flick to my brown ones. "I love you. I don't think I have ever told you that."

My breath gets caught in my throat as soon as he releases those words. I stare into his eyes knowing I can't say the three little words back. Every since I was little I have never been able to fully trust anyone other than Calum, I mean I trust Michael but not like Calum. It has always been hard to get close to people with my powers, one wrong feeling and everyone could die.

"Emma?" Michael gently caresses my cheek, a look of worry in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I can't say it Michael." I shake my head. "Not after...."

"After what?"

"There was a boy before you, his name was Sam. I liked him, maybe even loved. One day I got upset because a couple girls had picked on me. My empathy wasn't under control yet, and he got too close." Blinking back the tears, I take in a breath. "He said he loved me, and I had killed him."

"Are you afraid if you tell me, I'm going to die?" Michael asks, "I'm not going anywhere Emma. I won't leave you."

"You don't know that." I shake my head again and look into his eyes. "I have a bad feeling, like something bad is going to happen." 

Michael pulls me farther onto his lap and wraps me against his body as close as he can. "And if something does, we'll be okay." 

I sigh leaning into his arms letting him rest his head on mine. The warmth of his body causing me to relax into his touch. He combs his fingers through my hair planting a kiss on my temple. I put up my hand, his hand automatically goes to mine, I pull my hand away slowly and watch the tendrils of electricity stretch between ours hands. 

"I love you." Michael mumbles once again.

I look into his eyes biting my lip, "You too."

Michael's eyes show hurt in them before he presses his lips against mine. He kisses me with more emotion than I have ever felt, my empathy amplifying his emotions into me.

"Wait Michael!" I quickly pull away when my empathy brings it to an unbareable rate.

"What?" Michael rests his hand on my leg.

"My empathy," I breath. "It's picking up on your emotions and amplifying them."

"I'm sorry." He looks down away from my eyes. After a long silence he pats my leg. "I'm going for a walk."

"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask getting off his lap.

"No, I need to think about some stuff." He responds quietly, he slides his phone in his pocket and walks out the door.

Okay, that hurt.

He's upset, I can feel the pain. I do like him but I don't know if it's love. But even if it was, I still can't say love.

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