The Little Mermaid

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I do not own the lyrics to "Part of your world." That is Disney's from the movie the "Little Mermaid." 


~The Little Mermaid~

The voyage of the Dauntless had been an easy one so far compared to others. The grand ship had only hit one storm whose waves never even reached its decks. It seemed the voyage to the New World for this ship was going to be an easy.

 Her grandeur was the talk of the seas. Large White sails furled in the wind, held by the largest mast in all the seven seas. With its streamlined hull made of the finest mahogany, the Dauntless was built for speed. However, sped wasn’t its only attribute. With 15 canons lining its hull, it was ready for any battle thrown its way.

She was the jewel of the Navy.

And it seemed to luck was running out; she was heading for trouble.

The vast sea was turning black and began frothing angrily around the ship’s hull. The sky turned an ominous grey before blacking out. Lightning threatened the Dauntless with fire from high up in the clouds. Waves began to drag their fingers across the Dauntless’ decks.

Sailors rushed to man their stations. Voices yelled through the warring wind in an attempt to communicate on the state of the ship and to call for help. Rain pelted their skin like ice daggers. The Captain manned the wheel, desperately fighting against the current to keep his ship on course. He knew that their passenger would bring them bad luck; even if she had paid a handsome fee for them to take her to the New World.

After all, every sailor knew that having a woman on board was bad luck. And he was not going to pay a visit to Davy Jones’ locker because of a woman.

“Go get our passenger!” The captain furiously yelled to his first mate. The second in command eagerly braved the dangers of the deck to reach the quarters in which their bad omen stayed, probably worrying about the storm she brought upon them.

He hulled the wooden door open to see the person responsible for this horrid storm huddled on her cot, trying to stay up right. Her bright red hair was unkempt and barely held up in her bun. Her light blues eyes shot to his as soon as he opened the door, wide with surprise. He strode quickly into the small cabin and gripped her arm roughly.

“W-where are you taking me?” She stuttered out in a meek voice. The storm scared her. What happens if the ship was struck by lightning? Or what if it just cracked in half? What if the sea just decided to drag it down to its depths killing them all?

“To the captain.” Was his gruff reply. She squealed as soon as the rain stung her skin. The sailors scattered around the glorious ship watched with silent glee as the one who brought this upon them would be dealt with. Women weren’t supposed to be on ships. This storm just proved it.

“Captain.” The first mate called one he reached the wheel. The Captain only spared the two a glance before pushing all of his weight on the wheel to make it turn to the left. The woman was confused as to what exactly was going on. Another wave crashed over the deck causing her to squeal and clutch onto the first mate.

“Get rid of her and pray to God that King Triton grants us mercy!” The captain yelled over the howling of the storm before grunting as the wheel fought against him. The red haired woman glanced at the captain in disbelief. This was how he was going to treat her even after she had paid them 100 shillings to take her to the New World? How horrid! And what did he mean by ‘get rid of her’?

The first mate began to drag their passenger to the rails. Seeing where he was taking her she began to struggle uselessly against the strong grip of the first mate. Determined to get his ship out of danger, the first mate played no mind to her struggles. Once she was off this ship, they would all be safe.

“Please! Don’t do this!” The woman begged. The first mate gripped her shoulders and pushed her against the railing. She winced as the angry sea spray stung her skin.

“The sea isn’t the place for a woman. You’ve doomed us all as long as you’re on this ship. May God rest your soul.” The first mate yelled furiously at her before pushing her over the edge.

She screamed on her short descent down, hearing the cheers of the sailors as she went. The ocean enveloped her in its cold wild grip. She desperately tried to swim to the surface but it seemed as if the ocean dragged her further into its depths.

Her legs began to get tangled in the skirt of her dress. They began to kick with less strength until she could only kick her legs together as one. Her chest constricted with the need to inhale, but she desperately held her breath. She knew that if she breathed in the ocean water, she would surely die.

Darkness began to cloud her vision as she lost sight of the surface. The weight on her chest became too much. Sad blue eyes watched as her last breath was ripped apart by the violent currents around her.

Slowly, the kicks of her legs began to stop her from sinking. She could feel the water enter her lungs. However, she didn’t suffocate. It was as if she was breathing air. What was this?

Confused blue eyes glanced around the dark depths before looking down. A startled scream escaped her lips, echoing through the waters around her. Her legs were gone! And in their place was a green fin! She curled what had been her legs and fingered the translucent tip of her fin. It was smooth to the touch – and completely implausible.

Who did this happen?

“Welcome sister.” A sweet voice floated across the calming currents to the just thrown overboard woman. She twisted to see another woman with a tail like hers only it was a dark red. Her dark black hair floated around her.

“S-sister?” the red head asked softly. The other woman kicked towards her before gracefully stopping before her.

“Yes. Sister. They tossed you over too, didn’t they?” The black haired woman asked.


“Then welcome. You, our dear sister, have been wronged by those filthy sailors. It is time to get your revenge.” The woman began to tug the red head towards others like them lurking in the shadows.

“But, first, we need to get rid of this dress. It will only hinder you.”


“What would I give if I could live out of these waters?”

The sailor stared at the beautiful red head staring at him from the crystal waters below. Her stark red hair clung to her skin in the most alluring way as she bobbed above the water to try to get closer to him. Her blue eyes called to him. Who was he to deny her?

“What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?”

The sailor leaned in closer to the tempting beauty. Her soft silky hand caressed his cheek, slightly pulling him closer to the water’s edge.

“Bet’cha on land –“

She stopped singing as she sealed her lips to his. He immediately tried to deepen the kiss, which she allowed. Slowly, she began to pull back into the water, dragging the sailor with her. The red head kept him unaware of him slipping into the sea.

It wasn’t until he was fully submersed that he noticed. But by then it was too late. The red head pulled away and smirked at her latest victim.

“For the crimes against us, you will die.”

Wrapping her arms around the struggling sailor, she began to drag him to the depths of the ocean – to Davy Jones’ locker – as her sisters did the same.

The sailors would pay for killing them. They would get their revenge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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