Chapter 4: Payback

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You arrive back at your dorm ready to change into your nightgown and head off to bed. But before taking one step into the room you were pulled in by your dorm mates.

"Where are your heroes now? NOT here. And you will be punished severely for interrupting our plans to get the TFboys as our boyfriends. Nothing, especially ugly, stupid, brats like you will stop us," whispered Jia Jia.

Li Mei then came up to you and slapped you across the face. She hissed at you as she dragged her nails into your skin.

"If you tell anyone about this...Let's just say you will be sleeping at the bottom of the river. Understand?" demanded Ming Ming.

You nod your head to afraid to speak out loud. And for the next several hours you endured punches, kicks, spitting, hitting, slapping, and all sorts of terrible things.

As you cower on your bed, "I think she's had enough for tonight," said Li Mei, "we don't want her dead yet."

And with that the three girls went to their beds and one by one began to fall asleep.

You sit in the corner of the bed too afraid to move and after a long time you fall into a fitful nightmare. The bullying of the three girls kept replaying in your mind. You hoped someone would save you from them. Anyone...

The next day you woke up from your nightmare super early. To avoid any more trouble, you quickly head to the washroom to clean the cut and bruises. You decide to head to class early to avoid seeing the girls alone.

The TFboys entered the room and slammed the door shut because they were being chased by other crazy fan girls.

"Good Morning y/n. How did you sleep? Did you eat breakfast yet? How do you think of the school?" bombarded Wang Yuan.

"Sorry about all of his questions. He's just happy to see you" explained Jun Kai.

"It's ok," you said, "I slept ok, no I didn't eat breakfast, and school's ok I guess."

You thought you saw Qian Xi narrowed his eyes as if he suspected something was wrong, but when you look at him again he was back to normal, cool and calm.

Qian Xi Perspective:

'I don't think she's ok. She seems to be wearing lots of makeup for some reason and kept rubbing her arms and legs. Did she get bullied? I won't say anything yet but I'll ask Jun Kai and Wang Yuan later,'

Back to y/n Perspective:

'I must be seeing things,' you thought. Suddenly, Wang Yuan gives you a whole breakfast box with bread, milk, eggs, and some fruit. (AN: Ok I know a breakfast box kind of sounds stupid but just let it work ok?)

"Where did you get that from?" you asked.

"This is just one of my small snacks I keep in my backpack in case I get hungry," explain Wang Yuan. You look inside his backpack and find it filled with all sorts of delicious food.

"Wow, thank you very much" you said.

"No problem," blushed Wang Yuan.

Qian Xi Perspective:

'What is this feeling? Wang Yuan was just being nice and gave her breakfast. Why does it hurt all of a sudden? Whatever, I'll sort it out later.'

Back to y/n Perspective:

You hear the door open and look up to see Ming Ming, Jia Jia, and Li Mei walked into the room. You flinch and continued to eat, hoping no one saw.

Fortunately, Jun Kai and Wang Yuan were busy eating Wang Yuan's snacks and were too preoccupied to notice. Unfortunately, Qian Xi was staring straight at you.

He asks, "Y/n, are they your dorm mates?"

You nod slowly then swallowed. "Yes, the one with makeup is Ming Ming, the one on her phone is Li Mei, and the other one is Jia Jia."

Whether Qian Xi recognized them or not he didn't give away another thought. Soon class began, and you forget about the three girls, for now.

Class passed by quickly, and soon it was lunch time. You decide to sit in the cafeteria with the other students today. After quickly finishing you decide to look around school before class resumed.

TFboys Perspective:

Meanwhile the TFboys were on the roof discussing. Qian Xi said, "I'm pretty sure something happened last night, after she left our house." "She flinched when she saw her dorm mates for some reason."

Jun Kai said, "Maybe the girls in her dorm are bullying her. Let's go to their dorm tonight to take a look."

"Agreed" said Wang Yuan, "Now can we go get more food?"

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