Chapter 9: Stopped Cold

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TFboys Perspective:

"It's you three giving y/n so much trouble still. Can't you leave her alone?" yelled Jun Kai.

"She's just trying to take you from me," all three girls said.

"Guards, stop them from taking y/n!" shouted Ming Ming. And with that 4 more guards stormed in (different from the three already unconscious).

"You get the right two, I'll get the left two; I'll help you as soon as I can." Jun Kai said to Wang Yuan. And with that the two launch at the guards.

Jun Kai was keeping up with his two guards making sure they couldn't reach Qian Xi and y/n. On the other hand Wang Yuan was struggling against his two.

Every so often Qian Xi would be able to help out but because he was carrying y/n. So he decided the best strategy was to persuade the girls to call the guards off.

"How about you just let y/n go, then we won't say anything about this to the police," said Qian Xi.

"How about the three of you all marry us and then we'll let her go," said Jia Jia.

"How about I call the police now?" said Qian Xi holding his phone. But things began to take a turn for the worse.

Just at that moment the three guards they got past earlier arrived.

One guard joined Wang Yuan and easily overpowered him. The other two ganged up on Jun Kai and quickly subdued him.

"Now, hand over your phones and we won't hurt her," said Li Mei.

Begrudgingly the TFboys handed their phones over to the guards.

"Qian Xi, let me carry y/n for a second," whispered Wang Yuan.

"Um ok," Qian Xi whispered back. And with that he transferred y/n over to Wang Yuan's back. "How about we get somewhere more comfortable?" said Li Mei.

"Sounds good," replied Jia Jia.

"Guards watch them closely especially Jun Kai and Qian Xi. Remember Jun Kai could handled two of you and Qian Xi doesn't look tired yet," barked Ming Ming.

"Come on boys follow us," said Li Mei.

They walked into a warm room in the back of the warehouse.

The three girls had just sat down when Wang Yuan started his barrage.

"Are you just going to keep us here then? You kidnapped y/n too and your plan was to freeze her to death?" questioned Wang Yuan.

Both Jun Kai and Qian Xi gave Wang Yuan a look; this was no place to be accusing your captors.

"Unless all three of you would be our boyfriends and then marry us I don't see why we would let you go," said Ming Ming.

"How did you kidnap y/n?" asked Wang Yuan.

"It was easy, we just waited by an alley, and when she walked by we grabbed her," said Jia Jia rolling her eyes.

Jun Kai and Qian Xi have caught on to Wang Yuan's plan now.

Qian Xi asks, "Was the only reason you took y/n because she was closer to us than you?"

"Obviously, I mean she just got here and already started mingling with you? Disgusting girl," said Ming Ming.

"Do you think you'll get caught?" asked Jun Kai.

They were thrown off by that question. Ming Ming quickly recovered saying, "No way. At worst my dad will just pay the police a lot of money."

Just then y/n stirred.

Back to y/n Perspective:

'This chair is really warm today. It feels nice and soft like a person.'

"How did you kidnap y/n?" asked Wang Yuan."

'Wait did I hear Wang Yuan?' 'And did I hear Qian Xi and Jun Kai.'

'Oh no what have I done?'

You wake up on Wang Yuan's back.

Immediately, Qian Xi and Jun Kai asked,"are you ok?" (Obviously because Wang Yuan is carrying you he can't really turn around).

"You can set me down now," you told Wang Yuan. He carefully bent his knees and lowered you onto your two feet. Qian Xi and Jun Kai held each arm so you could stand.

"So you're awake," said Li Mei.

"I'm sorry Jun Kai, Qian Xi, Wang Yuan, for getting you into this mess," you apologized.

"You better apologize to us for trying to take our fiancés," threatened Jia Jia.

"Just a few more seconds, get ready to knock out these guards and grab y/n," Wang Yuan whispered to Qian Xi and Jun Kai.

All of a sudden the door was knocked down and several policemen ran into the room.

With a few punches and kick the guards were subdued and the girls arrested for kidnapping.

Back at the house,

You hugged and thanked the TFboys all while crying on them.

The TFboys decided to tell you their side of the story. When listening, you were especially surprised that they followed Wang Yuan to find you.

"Well you know that watch I gave you? It kind of has a tracker on it that can be activated via my phone," explained Wang Yuan. "It also has a hidden recording device I used to record the girls confessing their plans to us."

Jun Kai and Qian Xi looked stunned. How in the world did Wang Yuan think of all of this? Normally if it wasn't food he couldn't plan more than half a second in advance.

"Then who called the police?" you asked.

"I uh used my watch and called the police," said Wang Yuan.

Qian Xi and Jun Kai looked at each other and said, "I'm going to bed see you guys tomorrow." And with that they left you and Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan followed suit but before he left he said, "We all helped because we wanted to see you safe. And with a small kiss on your cheek he headed to bed.

AN: I personally think this chapter was written the worst so sorry... Also Wang Yuan is super out of character in Chapters 8/9. If you couldn't already tell.

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