Chiss Dancer

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Briar soon come back from her trip down memory lane. Thrawn was still standing in front of her and she was still against the wall. She didn't want to answer his question, it would just open up old wounds. Her life was different now, she created this life for herself and she didn't want it being destroyed like the last one. "Fine," Thrawn said stepping away. "I won't make you answer me yet."

"Out of all the ships in the Imperial Navy, I get stuck on yours," she said softly.

He nodded. "Fate can be a funny thing."

Briar smoothed out Thrawn's uniform jacket. She ran her fingers over the soft white fabric, not saying a word.

Thrawn watched her closely and kept his hands behind his back. She was still the same old Briar in some ways, but there was something different about her. Maybe it was the fact that she was more relaxed. He couldn't tell yet. "We are going to Nar Shadda. The men need a short break before we head to Ryloth."

"Should be fun," she said with a nod, "if they are careful."

"I better get back to the bridge. There is a data pad in your desk with a list of known traitors," he said and moved towards the door. "I hope we can talk again."

When Thrawn left, she sat down and pulled out the data pad. It was very detailed. Each person had their own profile with known likes and dislikes, and where they worked on board the ship. It also listed where they were from and if they had any family and friends they were close to. The information even indluded their preffered style of fighting and favorite weapons. It would be easy to take these men out with all of this information.

Briar studied one man in particular. He repaired the electronics on the bridge. Not very good with hand to hand combat, or a blaster. Physically weak, but very clever. No family or close friends, a loner. Had a fondness for chiss women.

That was all she needed to see. Briar went to the bridge and overheard an officer saying where they were going to dock. She thankfully knew every club and casino on Nar Shadda. "If I may make a reccomendation, don't dock in that sector."

"That isn't up to you," the officer said looking at her.

"I know," she said with a nod. "But it isn't a good area for all of you to go. You are more likely to be captured and killed in that sector, and the bar tenders are known for poisoning Imperial military personnel."

Thrawn looked at her. "Do you know this planet well?"

"Yes. I've lived here for several years. I know a really great club and casino in another sector. The Hutt that owns it is a good friend of mine and he won't make you pay for the dancers or full price for the drinks."

Several of the men looked at Thrawn with hopeful eyes. "Alright. Let's go there to ensure the safety of the crew."

Briar nodded and set the new coordinates. The particular place had several chiss dancers. "When we get there I'll talk to the Hutt."

Thrawn stopped Briar before she could leave the bridge. "Are you going to start your...assignment there?"

"Yes," she said with a nod. "You should come see how I work."

"I might," he said with a nod.


Briar ^~~~~

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Briar ^

Thrawn sat in a chair at the casino, he was watching everyone and studying them. He noticed some of the dancers had slave collars, others didn't. Most notably, the two chiss dancers didn't have slave collars and they seemed to be able to move about more freely.

Then Thrawn noticed a third chiss woman walk out onto a stage. Her dark blue hair fell on her shoulders and she was wearing a purple and gold outfit. She also had a veil covering her face, so he couldn't see it very well. He watched as she danced, she was very graceful and beautiful. Thrawn also noticed how she caught the eye of several other men.

Briar watched as she danced. She was looking for her target. This would need to be quick and silent. Drawing too much attention to herself would not be good for her, or her Hutt friend. She told him what she needed to do and he reccomended luring him into a private room.

In her search for the man, she spotted Thrawn watching her. Briar smirked, maybe she could have a little bit of fun first. She jumped off stage and walked over to him. "Don't you look important," she said playfully.

"Why is a chiss woman like you working here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Its fun and I am well paid," she said with a shrug.

"Interesting," he said studying her.

She smiled and walked behind him and rubbed his shoulders. "Don't think to hard about it, just relax and enjoy the music."

He closed his eyes for a moment while she rubbed his shoulders. When she stooped he slowly opened his eyes to see her dancing in front of him. Thrawn smirked slightly as he watched her. When the song was finished she stopped. "At least you are good at your job," he said with a smile.

"Thank you," she said with a bow. "You should smile more, handsome." She said before walking away. Briar missed that smile.

As she was walking away from Thrawn she spotted her target, sitting alone. He was watching the other two chiss dance on stage. She sat down next to him and smiled. "Hello, cutie," she said twirling a strand of her hair.

He jumped at the sound of her voice. He didn't see her walk over. " hello."

"You know, there is somewhere more private we can go if you don't like the crowd," she said with a smirk.

"Really?" He asked raising an eyeborw.

She nodded and took his hand before leading him away into a back room.

Thrawn watched as she lead the man away. They had been gone awhile and went back to studying the other dancers. Then he noticed someone sit down next to him, it was the dancer from a little while ago. "One down," she said smoothly.

Thrawn raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Briar smirked and removed the veil off of her face without saying a word.

Thrawn's eyes widened slightly. "How did I not see that?"

"Distracted by my stunning beauty," she said with a chuckle.

"Can we not talk about what happened," he said looking away.

"Is someone embarrassed?" She asked with a smirk.

He continued to look away from her. "So you killed one of the traitors?"

Briar sighed. "Yes. Can I ask you for a favor?"

"Of course," he said and looked into her eyes.

"Can you walk me home? I don't like walking around in this outfit by myself," she said softly.

"Certainly," he said standing up.

Briar smiled and walked out of the casino with him. As she walked she tried not to let Thrawn see that she was cold. A gust of wind blew past and she shivered slightly. Then she felt something being draped over her shoulders. When she looked down she noticed it was Thrawn's uniform jacket. "Thanks," she said with a soft smile. He nodded and continued walking by her side.

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