Finding the mystery person.

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I woke up and looked at the clock. 11:13. Wow my head is killing me! I feel like throwing up. I think I drank too much last night. "Here love." Harry came in and handed me two tablets and a glass of water. "Thank you Harry. What happened last night? The last thing I remember is someone pulling me into this room and handing me a note." He sat on my bed."You drank a lot. Can I see the note?" He said and I nodded."Wow that is lovely." He wiped away a tear.

I took the tablets and began to get off my bed."What do you think you're doing?!" He said like he was my father. "I have a shoot today Mr.Styles." He shook his head. "What? Why?" He grabbed my empty glass."I called your agent and told him you are sick." I smiled and played back down."Thanks Harold." He laughed and shut my door.

I closed my eyes in hopes of getting like one more hour of sleep. Five seconds later my phone began to rang. "Hello?" I said clearing my throat. "Hi um. I uh asked you out at Justin's party yesterday." Oh my hell! I totally forgot about that. "Oh yeah. What about it?" I said. "Uh you wanna go to a movie with me today?" He sounds nervous. "Sure what time?" Now I have to get out of bed. "Like 2:00 maybe." I told him OK and hung up.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I'm not setting all dressed up to go on a date with some dude I just met."Why are you out of bed?" Harry said wearing an apron."Going on a date. What's up with the apron mom?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm main you breakfast. No one else is up." I nodded and he walked me down to the kitchen.

I sat down and took a bite of his pancake."Holy mother of god! These are great Harry!" He smiled and turned around. "Thanks I'm glad you like em!" I finished up and put my plate in the sink.


My date is finally over! That guys is a man whore. Now that I'm done playing around I need to find out who gave me that note. I ran to my room and put my stuff on the bed. I went to shut my door when I over heard Austin.

"Hey Happy can I talk to you?" She nodded and he went into his room and shut the door. I ran over quietly and put my ear to the door. "I'm the one who gave the note to Hailey. Please don't tell her. I know she doesn't love me. I don't want her thinking she has to be with me." She agreed and I ran to my room before someone saw me snooping.

I sat on my bed. "Hey Hailey." Austin came in and sat on my bed. "Hi Austin." I said back. "How was your date?" I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. I can see the hurt in his eyes. I feel bad. You know when Liam is sad... and you can see the sadness in his eyes? Well Austin has the sadness in Hus eyes. "Austin your upset about me going on that date. I know you are. The one thing you taught me when we were together is when there is a sadness in someone's eyes something is wrong. Austin I don't blame you for being upset."

His face turned red and he looked down."I'm not upset Hailey." I walked over to him and sat next to him. I lifted his chin so he'd look at me. "Yes you are." He started crying. I looked away cause every time he cries I can't help but cry to. He wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry. For hurting you. Making you cry. I never wanted to see that beautiful face of yours with hurt on it." I started to cry. "I am so sorry." He said again. I stopped crying and pulled him into a kiss. You know how bad I wanted to do that?

I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you."I love you Austin." He smiled and kissed me again."I love you to."

(Authors Note)

Omfg I'm sorry I haven't updated lately.I just read over this and started crying at the end! I really appreciate any of you that read.thank you for supporting me! I also wanna give a shout put to Happy my best friend! Even tho we are so faraway from each other! Who else heard about Austins album 'Junior year' ?? So excited to get it.

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