Chapter 11

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Silence hung around the two as they quietly walked through the isolated streets in Miyagi. Kageyama was on edge after seeing the dead corpse of his friend's mother, and Hinata... Hinata hadn't said a word since they left the corpse. He wasn't only traumatized by the death of his mother, he was also traumatized by what he did to his sister. The sixteen year-old boy walked face-down, eyes looking dead. He couldn't let Kageyama know. He couldn't let the team know.

Hinata saw a faint light in the corner of his eye and only just slightly turned his head towards his taller friend. Kageyama was looking at his phone. He shut it off and looked at Hinata. "I called my dad. I explained the situation to him and he said that you could stay over for the night."

Hinata slowly nodded and went back to looking at the ground. "My dad works until six o'clock in the morning sometimes, that's why he's still awake."

Hinata felt something churn inside of him. He really wanted to shout; "Did I ask?!" but he couldn't find the energy to do so. Hinata had slowly fell behind as Kageyama walked ahead. The cold wind smacked against his bare skin but he kept walking. He had forgotten to grab his jacket before he went out.

Kageyama knew something was up as soon as Hinata stopped going with them to get meat buns. That was why he had followed him to that café the other day. Truth be told, the whole team was worried about him. Every day and week came, and Hinata acted less and less energetic each day.


Hinata was a few feet behind Kageyama now. He felt as if Kageyama didn't notice his presence gone. Hinata didn't mind. He didn't deserve to have a presence. Not after what he had just did. Thoughts ran through his mind as he thought to himself. What would happen if the team found out? Would they kick him away? Would they send the CCG after him? Hinata clenched his fist and suddenly halted.

Not hearing the sound of footsteps behind him anymore, Kageyama turned around. "Dumbass." He said. "Are you coming or not?"

Hinata stood there, not moving an inch. The younger of the two sighed. "My house is just around the corner, 638, okay?" He walked off, leaving Hinata alone in the cold.

Flashbacks played in Hinata's mind as he remembered the time when he first met Kageyama. The 14 year-old orange-haired kid was standing a few centimetres away from the taller one, palms clenched up and shouting at him. The past him definitely didn't know that they would meet again. Hinata breathed in and was about to follow Kageyama when he felt something walk past him. The presence was small, but from playing volleyball, Hinata had learnt to pay attention to his surroundings. He looked back and saw nothing, only the empty streets of Miyagi. Just as he was about to turn back, he sensed it again. Hinata didn't have a second thought as he started running. Hinata wasn't confident, but he had the theory that the person around him was his mother's murderer. They might come after him next. He couldn't risk getting Kageyama's family hurt. He slowed down, fumbling to get his phone out of his pockets at the same time. He messaged Kageyama to tell him he wasn't going to his house and stopped for a moment. He glanced around to make sure the person wasn't following him.

Making as little noise as possible. Hinata smashed his phone on the ground. Stepping on it to destroy all connection to him. He began to run again, this time however, to the place he knew he would be safe. Anteiku.


Hinata wasn't sure if the person was still following him, but he tried to stay as out of sight as possible, just in case. The boy weakly walked to the back of the building. He knocked some boxes out of the way and it revealed a hidden door. Hinata huffed and opened the door. Inside, was a few flights of stairs. He started to walk down them, slowly taking in everything around him. His fingers lingered across the grey, rough walls. Kaneki had shown him this little escape route just incase something happened. Whilst being so lost in his thought, he bumped into something hard and metal. Hinata sighed and twisted the doorknob.


"What..." Hinata froze as he saw the sight in front of him. No... No way this was happening. What was Touka doing?

There was a brown haired girl, probably around a year or two younger than Hinata was lying on a couch, and Touka... Touka was reading a 'bedtime' story to the girl. Hinata couldn't help but snicker. The older girl's eyes flared and closed her book rather loudly and threw it at the snickering boy's head.

"Touka-chan, who is he?" Hinata heard the girl on the couch ask.

"No one which you have to worry about, Hinami." Touka patted her head and Hinata could see the flowers and rainbows behind the two. However, when Touka turned back to Hinata, the calm and happy aura turned to a deadly one.

"Why are you here?" She asked. Hinata explained everything to her, excluding the part where he ate his sister. He only trusted Kaneki with that. The young girl, Hinami, was listening intently to Hinata's story. "So you're a new ghoul too?!" Hinami asked excitly after Hinata finished. The boy rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "Yes."

"How is it so far?"

Hinata was about to say something, but then closed his mouth. He actually had never thought about this. What it was like to not be someone who you used to be. To lie about being fine but everyday hoping that you won't get caught by the CCG. "It's fine, I guess." He answered after a short silence.

Touka heaved. "So someone was following you and you didn't know who it was."

Hinata nodded.

Hinami looked at Touka and asked, "Is he getting a mask? Does he have a mask?"

Hinata looked confused. "A mask?" He questioned. "Why do I need a mask?"

"Do you think Uta is still awake?" Touka asked Hinami, ignoring Hinata. Hinami nodded aggressively. "Probably."

"Wait! What do you mean; 'I need a mask'?" Touka pulled the back of Hinata's shirt and dragged him out of the room. Again, she ignored him. "Goodnight Hinami." She said.

A faint 'Goodnight' was heard as Hinata was getting dragged by Touka for the third time.

Secretive (Haikyū!! And Tokyo Ghoul AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now