Switch me back!

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Some things you dont understand, one of those things would be me. My brother Caleb thinks im adopted and maybe so do I...... my entire family has curly black hair but not me!!! I have blond hair and super pale skin  I tottaly dont get it.


"K Caleb just get a life."

Just then Calebs best friend Brandon walked in. He has dark brown perfect hair that he always puts in a fowhalk. Brandon looked at me with his big brown eyes and i looked into them. All of my blood rushed to my face, quickly i turned my head back to the computer!

 "Hey Amy, I like ur shirt its cool." 

OMG i cant believe he complimented my shirt!!!!!!! "Thanks!"

But then caleb just has to ruin the moment "Brandon you dont have to talk to her ,lets go up to my room."  Gosh i really hate him sometimes! I watched Brandon walk up the stairs. Then he tunback and smiled at me, I felt butterflies as I smiled back.

"Riinnggg Riinnggg"

Why is someone caling so late??? "Hello" The voice on the other end was shaking as she said "Is this Amy makintine?"

"yes who are u and why are u calling me?"

"Well we have some... um disapointing news do you think you and your perents could come to calisa hospital as soon as possible???" The shakie voice responded.

I was confused y did this lady want us to go to the hospital? I walked into the kitchen "Hey mom someone just called and told us we have to go to calisa hospital because they have um.. disapointing news and they said like now." She looked at me with a confused face then said "alright we'll be there in ten"

"Yes we will be there in 10 minits" i replyed into the phone. 

"Well we should get going i'll meet you in the car ." She had fear in her voice.

Was there somthing she wasen't telling me?

The car ride was silent we were both confused, I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it i think it might be better we were silent. I began to stare out of my window and I watched the tree's go by, they were so green and beautiful.

I could see calisa hospital now we were almost there. We pulled into the parkinglot i opened my door as i was about to get out my mother began to talk "Do you have any idea wats going on??"

I shook my head, how should I know?. But I'm sure we would find out soon, thats why were here. But what could it be? I coulden't think of anything, i hate being this clueless!!

As we walked to the hospital I tripped on my heels "OUCH" I screemed.

"At least it you break your ankle were already at the hospital" My mom smirked as she said that.

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