The plan.

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In my head I went over what had just happend, I diden't understand how this could of happened but it made sense.. I dident want to go to my real perents, but i had to unless....

"Alexandra well I think I have an idea, I ...well u have an aunt in France maybe we could go stay with her for a while?"

Alexandra had hopefull eyes  "but our perents would never let us" she wispered.

She had a point "who says they have to know?" 

She took her Iphone out of her pocket and searched flights to france there was one for only 200 dollers a person! we could offord that.

"That one" She said pointing at the flight" i nodded my head.

A sly smile spread across her face. We were actually going to France!!! The flight left in two days. We had time to go home pack and say our goodbyes. Saying goodbye to my friends especially Brianna was going to be so hard....

Alex pulled out a piece of paper and wrote somthing on it.

"Ok heres my number call anytime." Alexandra gave me the piece of paper, I stuffed it in my pocket.

"Its gonna be hard to leave my friends at school" But I have to!

"Yeah" She said with a sad expression.

My fake Mom walked in with tears in her eyes, maybe it was kinda harsh what i did it wasent her fault.

"Amy you r going to come home today and tommorow after school we will bring you to your real perents." She could barly speak without bursting into tears.

I simply nodded my head i quickly slipped Alexandra my cell number and began walking towards the car.

I opened the door and slammed it behind me! "This is THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!!"

My mom just looked at me with a dirty look so i shut my mouth and sat back in my seat. The car ride seamed to take hours but finally we pulled into my driveway.

Before i could even unbuckle my mom was out the door and opening the garage.

I stopped for a second watching her pull out two big suitcases and a tear ran down my face I knew they were for me.

" go upstairs and pack." She told me with a cold voice I looked at her and saw her chin shaking the way it always does before she cry's, I diden't want to see her cry.

I grabbed the suitcases and ran up to my room crying.

I slammed my bedroom door behind me and stuffed my face in my pillow soaking it with my tears , I heard someone knock on my door i yelled "go away!"

It was Caleb and he just came in anyway "Stop being such a baby nothing can be that bad that you need to go scream in you pillow." he smirked.

Normally I would have slapped him but he wasent even my 16 year old brother he was Alexandra's.

He would never meet her though cuz we were going to france.

"You don't understant" I muffled into my pillow

"Ofcoarse i dont." he said as he left my room shutting the door behind him.

 Well i should start to pack, i grabbed all my clothes and shoved them into the suitcases along with alll my other things.

My room seemed empty, exept for the bear my mom gave me for my 15th birthay about a month ago, I diden't want it anymore.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Alexandra's number after three rings she picked up.

"hello" She said in a sad voice.

"Hey is this Alexandra?" I responded.

"Ya just call me Alex though".

luckly her school was right beside mine so we planned to meet near the bus stop with our suitcases right after school and we would leave for our flight to france.

I heard the door open downstairs it was my dad, 

" Um I have to go my dads home byee Alex!!!!" I quickly hung up the phone. 

I ran downstairs and jumped into his arms he squeezed me tight and told me he loved me. I began to sniffle how could i ever leave my dad! I dident have a choice tommorow was the last time I was ever gooing to see him...

 "Daddy I love you and i'm gonna miss you so much!"

He began to cry this was the first time I'v ever seen him cry, It hurt me to see him like this.... THOSE STUPID DOCTERS!!!!! 

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