The flight...

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"Calling flight number 407, we will begin boarding with handycap people first"

It was the flight atendant calling and she was looking right at Alex in her wheelchair. We handed her our boarding passes and she scanned them in the machine then ripped thim in half, giving us half so we could get on the flight.

I pushed the wheelchair down the tunnel that connects to the airplane it was all gray no colour, I felt like I was in a grey box.... I hate these things!!!! 

At the door to the plane Alex had to give up her wheelchair and go on crutches.

"Ok so lets find our seats 4 A , first class" Alex smiled at me.

"here!" I pointed at two seats and we sat down. First class chairs are so comfy!!! I leaned my head back into my chair and slowly everything went blurryy.  

Then I heard an awful noise I coulden't sleep with it, ofcoarse it was alex snoring...... how nice!

"Alex stopp snoring, I'm trying to sleep!" I moaned as my arm came out from under my blanket and smashed her in the face.

"OUCH!" she shreiked!

"Alex shut up!!!!"

she turned to face the window and began to fall asleep I guess I should sleep to....

"Ding Ding Ding" I reached over to turn off what i thought was my alarm, but then I realized I was on a plane and the seatbelt symbol was flashing really bright in my eyes.

Wait why is the seatbelt sign on, are we gonna crash nononononoooononononononoonnonon! That can't happen!!!

"Alex were gonna die!!!! The plane is gonna crash!" I began to cry and scream.

"Amy calm down its just turbulants. It's ok, its gonna be ok."

"Promise?" I looked at her with pleading eyes. She nodded her head 

Then I felt the plane begin to shake, I was bouncing all over my seat! This was so much fun! I was smiling and giggling as I smacked into Alex.

"Whats wrong with you are you like drunk or something?" Alex sounded worried.

"Hahaha" I laughed in her face "No, are you?" I smiled. She shook her head and then a huge bounce came! "Woah! That was huge!!!" I yelled The turbulants began to get less and less , sadly......

luckly the plane ride was almost over I felt like I was going to barf..... EWWWW that couldent happen.

Were landing, I feel like im on a roller coaster and im rising out of my seat. The only thing holding me down is my seatbelt and its digging into my skin, when I get off this plane I'm gonna have huge presure marks on my legs. 

BOOM I felt vibrations from smacking into the landing to hard. The plane was shaking back and forth as we shot across the landing strip, the parachute flailing out behind us.

I looked at the window, the rain was pelting against it making it kind of blurry to see out of I could see busses and luggage cars and people wearing orange vest's waving orange flag's at us.

The plane jolted to a stop making me smash my head into the back of my seat. The flight attendant came by thanking us all for choosing flight delight then told us where to go after we got off the plane 

"Take a right then you'l see a sing saying luggage 4 go that way to pick up your luggage then you are free to go enjoy Paris the city of love!" Wow I dident even know we were going to paris, I just said ordered the tickets!! I hope I get to see the eiffel tower!

As we left the plane they handed us gifts, Alex thanked them and I opened up the card. 

"Thankyou for chosing Flight Delight we hope you have a wonderfull trip enjoy this free gift from yours truly Flight Delight!!" 

"Crap" I said as I tosse the card in the garbage, i began to tear the gift open "Hand cream, soap, bubblebath and brush! Jackpot!" I joked.

Alex smirked "Its better then nothing and anyway I forgot to bring soap!" Alex is to nice and thankfull for everything like when people say have a nice day she like you to, she's always apolagizing and thanking people.... I hate it!

I saw the sign saying gate 4 and we walked in. I saw my suitcase and made a run for it, I snached it up and a smile spread across my face, Im good!

I walked over to Alex who was patiently waiting for her luggage to come. I saw her suitcase!

"Alex I see you suitcase go get it! I sounded so excited.....

"It will come to me you know." Wow Alex is soooo patient I could never do that!

She picked up her sutcase and we walked out of the airport, into the streets of paris. I felt the breeze on my skin making it tingle, it felt that freedom we made it! Alex pulled over a taxi with the wave off her hand it pulled up in front of us I opened the door and stepped in letting Alex and the cab driver put our luggage into the trunk. I slid over so Alex would have room as she opened the cab door for herself.

"where to?" the cab driver looked at us.

"1496 eifel gazer, thankyou." Alex responded with a big smile.

"Can you drive really fast I dont like long car rides." I said to the driver and Alex gave me a dirty look, its a cab driver were paying him so he should be thanking us and doing what we say.

"What?" I said and shot Alex an I dident do anything rong look!

The cabdriver rolled his eyes at me and drove for about ten minits stopping infront of an amazing mansion, white bricks and a huge glass window it looked like a hollywould star could live in it!

"Here we are that will be 15.7 euros" Alex handed him the money, we grabbed our suitcases and ran in up to the front door of the house I pushed on the doorbell and my... well Alex's aunt came to the door.

As she opened it a huge smile spread across her face "Amy!! How is my favourite neice??"

"Not so good, its a long story..." I said with a frown

"Sweety dont frown it will give you wrinkles and who is this young lady?" She said pointing at Alex. 

Alex took a step forward "I'm Alex its really nice to meet you" she streched out her arm to shake hand with aunt melina who shoo it right back.

"Come inside girls and Amy why dont you tell me whats going on?" she said with a cncerned face.

The three of us sat dowm on her smooth leather sofas and I began to poor out the whole story to her how the docters told us and I pushed my mom and how we ran away, the whole time she sat there and listened hugging us and comforting us as we cried. The time I cried the most was when I told her how me and my dad said goodbye.....

Aunt Melina asked the maid to get a room ready for us with two beds "I figure you two will be staying here for a while, So I have a room ready would you like to see it?" We nodded our heads and followed her up the stairs, our suitcases banging the steps behind us.

She opened up a door and led us inside, it was beautiful the sent of lavender filled my nose as I looked at the pink cashmere blakets on two beds and light purple walls, A vase of flowers on each of our nightstands, the light from the window lay on the shiny wooded floor it wa beautiful!

"WOW!" Was all I could say. I placed my suitcase beside one of the beds and lay on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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