1 - Escape

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Sixteen years. That's how long I've been locked in this hell-hole.

You think you know how this story goes? You don't. You think you know who I am? Don't bother guessing, you will be wrong. You want my life story? Bah! You won't even get my real name! I go by many aliases, but after committing my crimes, I became infamously known as the 'Alton Point Slayer'. You think it's cliché? So do I to be perfectly frank... What, you want to know more? Sigh... Fine, it's not like I have anything better to do...

Sixteen years ago, I was charged with a long list of crimes including 14 counts of murder, 3 counts of attempted murder, illegal weapon possession, and assault, amongst others. Where did that get me? Ten consecutive life sentences WITHOUT parole or bail. Whoop-de-do! Most people would ask what kind of monster enjoys killing people for the sake of it. I'm one of those monsters. For me, killing is like eating and sleeping. It's a way of life, a necessity, and the longer I go without it, the more uncontrollable my lust gets...

I was sent to the highest security prison on this side of Australia, Creswick National Prison. It also happens to be 300 kilometres away from my home. Creswick is hardly a town, most residents were too afraid to stay there, so that just left more room for prison expansions. Over the last decade and a half, this prison has been my home. But tonight, all of that was going to change...


All prisoners had just been sent back to their cells two hours ago after a brawl broke out in the main yard. Protocol stated that at least four guards were to escort each high-security prisoner back to their cell, although the head guard of Section C was so stuck in his usual routine that he failed to notice a single key missing from the ring on his belt.

By the time the final check came around, it was well after dark and every cell was covered in a heavy blanket of darkness, the only light coming from the small squares of moonlight from high-set windows and the dimmed hallway lights. The clicking of two sets of boots could be heard echoing through the halls of Section C, the area for those serving life sentences. Some of Australia's most dangerous criminals sat behind the walls of these cells.

As lights were shone through each of the tiny bullet-proof windows of each door, one of the officers came to a standstill in front of the fourth cell door on the left. Metallic banging could be heard, followed by a feminine voice that rang through the corridor.

"Get up scum! And back away from the door, we aren't afraid to fire!" The first officer spat from outside the door. The second one hammered his fist on the thick metal surface as the prisoner inside remained unmoving.

"Uh, should we check on them, Martin?" They asked warily. The woman let out an audible groan of frustration, hearing the slight quaver in her partner's voice

"Are you out of your mind, Baxter?! Look, I know you're new and all, but going into a Section C prison cell is a big rookie mistake. Especially the Alton Point Slayer's cell. That monster was once Australia's most wanted murderer" Martin explained, sounding tough but clearly on edge.

There was a small moment of hesitation before she spoke again, "On second thought, I want you to wait here while I get backup, just in case" She continued before she walked back down the hall, her footsteps fading into bleak nothingness.

The rookie must've been pretty brave, or pretty stupid because when he was sure the coast was clear, he turned the cell locks and carefully pushed the door open. He shut the door behind himself before ever so slowly kneeling down behind the body of the prisoner. He reached out with a trembling hand, fingers pressing against their neck firmly to check for a pulse. He waited one moment, then two, his brow knitting together.

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