10 - Reaching Out (Blood On Your Hands)

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For once, Nate was thankful that it was Friday. Normally he would be dreading it because that was 'date night' with Indiana, but she had cancelled their plans in a surprise turn of events. Whether it was because she was paranoid for her own safety because of the killer or because of an opportunity to drink the week away with her egotistical friends, he was just relieved.

He was leaning on the front gate at Auburn Vale, waiting patiently for his friends when he spotted Clara slowly making her way towards him. He smiled gently in greeting.
"Clara, there you are. How are things?" he asked, then noticing her distant gaze, "Uh oh... did something else happen?"

"I'd rather not get into it. I just want to enjoy as much of today as I can before it all comes to an end" she told him, brushing against his shoulder as she came to a stop.

"CLARA!!!" they could hear Hayley scream and within a few seconds, Clara was lying on the ground, trapped in a bear hug while Nate clung to the fence, barely holding himself up from the sudden impact.

"Uh, Nate, I'd really appreciate it if you stopped standing there and helped me out right about now!" came Clara's muffled voice from underneath Hayley's wild hair.

Nate gathered himself and chuckled a little before prying Hayley off of the brunette and helping her stand. Clara blew a stray hair out of her face and straightened out her shirt.

"Thanks, but I really don't think I needed to ask for your help," she said, slightly annoyed as Hayley jumped up from the ground and blushed.


By lunchtime, even Hayley could sense that something was definitely wrong with Clara. She had been completely silent during their first break and so far, hadn't said a reply using more than three words. Nate couldn't stand the silence much longer.

"Clara" he finally said "What's up with you? You've been quiet all day. Tell us the truth, has something else happened since yesterday?"

"Yeah Clara, I thought you would have told me to shut up by now. I mean I know you can't tolerate my endless rambling this long" Hayley piped up, looking concerned.

Clara didn't meet their eyes as she sighed "Guys, I can't tell you this time. It's way too serious-"

"Uh, you've told us about everything else, what could be worse than that?" Nathan asked, cutting her off.

Clara became silent again, plugging earphones into her phone and listening to her music, draining out any more of her friends pleads. Nate looked at Hayley and she returned the look, nodding. She smiled cheekily and pounced on Clara, knocking her to the ground without warning. Clara burst out laughing as Hayley ran her fingers over every ticklish spot she had, her earphones landing on the ground beside her.

"Stop it, Stop it!" Clara begged between giggles, desperately trying to shove her friend away.

"Not until you tell us what's going on" Nate replied, kneeling in front of Clara's head so he could lean over her face without getting involved in the attack.

"Never! It's for your own g-good" she exclaimed between giggles, though she revoked her statement within a few seconds. "Okay, okay! I give up, just stop tickling me!" she said, tears of laughter running down her face.

Both of her friends smiled in satisfaction and Hayley pulled away to kneel beside Nate, stopping the torture of her best friend. They let Clara recover for a moment, staying silent as she caught her breath and coughed a few times before sitting up.

"I hate you both so much sometimes... but I'll tell you" she began. "I found out this morning that the killer threatened my mum recently. They sent me another letter too, saying that if I don't meet them at a secret location tonight, then they will kill her and my brother" She said slowly, her voice cracking when she mentioned her mother.

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