4 - Strike One

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Devon woke up to a cloudy Tuesday morning, her favourite type of weather. A yawn passed her lips and she rubbed her eyes before getting up and wandering to the kitchen, still shaking off the effects of sleep. Her nose twitched and a puzzled look on her face as she recognized the scent of freshly cooked bacon. Someone was cooking bacon in her household? Had someone broken in or something and started using her kitchen?

If Kristin was cooking a nice breakfast, something was either seriously wrong or she was in a good and stable mood for once. Devon had to pause before she entered the room to work out how to approach the situation. This was a highly uncommon action that her mother was taking; with all of her pent up anger and denial of having any mental problems, happiness wasn't a regular emotion shown by her mother. This was a rare opportunity, so Devon planned to make the most of it while she could.

"Good morning mother dearest, is that bacon I smell?" she asked curiously, pushing her way through the doorway and peering over the counter top as her mother plated up the crispy slices.

The older woman looked up with a kind smile, which almost made Devon's jaw drop. "Well, I would be worried if you could smell anything else. And this time, make sure to save some for your brother's, okay?" Ms. Martell requested, giving her daughter a look which made her look down in guilt.

Devon eventually nodded and took the plates of bacon and pancakes with her to the dining room – back when the kids were young and this was a normal morning in the household, she had a habit of stealing everything first. She snatched only a few pieces of bacon and a pancake for herself, retreating into the living room as the familiar stomping of footsteps erupted and her two brothers burst into the dining room to devour the remaining food.

Rolling her eyes at their lack of manners and overall boisterousness, she turned on the morning news. She didn't know why she decided to do so, she barely watched the news in general, but it was almost like a voice in her head told her to switch over the channel. Her eyes were glued to the screen as she caught sight of footage from a crime scene, yellow police tape barricading an old house.

"A man was found dead early this morning with his throat slashed. Police were immediately called to the scene at the time of 5:30. The man was in his fifties and was a widow since his wife died almost four years ago. The killer is suspected to be the infamous Alton Point Slayer, though this is yet to be determined as DNA evidence has not been found on site. I'll have more as the story develops" the newsreader reported.

A dent formed between Devon's eyebrows as she turned the volume down, her gaze lowering to the floor. She thought back to what Clara had told her about and made connections in her head; first her friend has a nightmare about a prison break, then suddenly a man turns up dead the following day? It no longer seemed like a coincidence...

Right on cue, her phone rings, blaring 'The Edge' by Tonight Alive. Her mum thought the song was obnoxious and inappropriate for a ringtone, by Devon really couldn't give a shit if it bothered other people; the point is that she liked it. She answered the call within five seconds.

"Do you have some sort of psychic ability you never told me about? Because I was just about to call you, and that is spooky" she laughed.

"I can assure you, I would have told you about it if I had such power... Do you have a moment? It's important" Clara replied softly.

Devon sighed, glancing over at her mum and brothers to make sure they weren't listening "Would it have something to do with a murder?" she asked.

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