Confession and Celebration

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Robin and Juvia woke up to a knock on the door. Juvia got up to answer. She opened the door to reveal scarlet hair. "Erza! So lovely to see you!" Juvia said louder than she should. Robin stood up with alittle stumble, his legs were still asleep. He looked around to hide and found the closest thing, Juvia's closet. He jumped inside as Juvia and Erza walked inside.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to wake you up" she said, looking at the messy bed.

"Oh thats ok. So whats up?" Juvia asked. Erza sat on Lucy's bed.

"I wanted to check on you. After Robin's reveal I can imagine you being quite shocked." Erza said. Juvia started to get that dream look on her face and Robin grew scared of what she would say. Then she shook her head.

"I was very surprised to see Robin all better. hurt me alot to see Robin, the way he was." Juvia said. Robin sat in the closet, shocked. "I....I know I shouldn't. But every time I looked at him, in that wheelchair. All I could think was, 'You did that to him. He wouldn't have gotten hurt if you didn't avoid him.' I still blame myself, even though I shouldn't." Juvia said, seemingly not realizing that Robin could hear her.

Erza stood up and sat on Juvia's bed with her. "Juvia. It wasn't your fault, you know that. Robin did what he did to protect you, because he loves you. Robin is a very quite person, but his actions speak louder than he ever could. I believe he would do it all over again if he had to." Erza spoke calmly.

"Damn right I would." Robin thought to himself.

Juvia smiled alittle. "I am so happy he is back to normal. I missed seeing him happy." Robin was surprised with what she said.

Erza nodded, as if she understood. "Yes. He really hasn't been himself. He may try to hide it, but I can see it clear as day. His eyes give it away. I have seen helplessness and anguish in his eyes. Hopefully, he can bounce back now." Robin sat there, his mind now racing.

"They knew? This whole time?"

Juvia sat up. "So. How have you and Mira been?" Juvia asked.

Erza seemed to blush. "We are doing great. I actually had the pleasure of meeting her mother over the holiday."

Juvia smiled. "Thats nice."

Erza stood. "Well I will be leaving. We are all meeting up in an hour and we are going to Love and Lucky, I will see you there." Erza walked towards the door but stopped at the closet. "I will see you as well, Robin." She smiled and left.

When the door clicked, Robin walked out. "How did she-"

Juvia interrupted him. "That's Erza for you. She isn't human." Juvia said, not looking at Robin. There was a few moments of silence.

"Storm.....did you mean all of that?" He asked. Juvia looked down and nodded. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked gently.

Juvia teared up alittle. "I didn't wanna add to the things bothering you." Robin pulled Juvia into a hug.

"You could never bother me Storm." He said, holding her.

After a few moment, they both got changed. Robin was in the clothes he had worn yesterday and Juvia got some new clothes out. Robin waited for Juvia to give the clear for Robin to step out of the closet. He stepped out to see Juvia wearing knee high boot, deep blue jeans, a light blue blouse with ruffles around the bottom and the sleeves. She still had her cossack hat on and her glasses. Juvia blushed as Robin stepped out. He looked at Juvia, confused. He then looked down and forgot he couldn't put on his shirt in the closet.

Juvia stared at Robin's scarred chest and stomach. She wasn't thinking when she placed a hand on his chest and gently rubbed the biggest scar on his chest, a long scar that went across his chest that was about an inch wide. Robin stood stiff at Juvia's touch.

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